I can't tell from either his Pic or Description which World model it is.. World Sports around here don't sell at $50. If it were a higher end model like the Voyageur it would sell quicker at $50 in average stored shape.
Well it is a fat bike with some cnc stuff and a boost bottle,it might even have gold bearings....you never know til you dig into it$1200? Really....?
The ad says they prefer not to text,but will if necessary.I'm thinking I'd prefer not to text as well.Punctuation? Why?
Specialized hard Rock :
"hisisafantasticbycleforyourdaughterwhowantstokeepupwiththeboysonroughtrailsandbikepathshewillbethe envy ofalllherfriendspleasenoteihavenoyoungsterssroundsoithasbeenawhile sinceitwasactuallyriddendadorbroshouldbehandywiththeWD40andahandydandy wrenchortwothetiesprobablywillneedairihaveafootpumpifyouneedtouseit$25dollars isa giveawaypriceforthisbikebringyourlittleonealongandletherdecideifitisagodfitthatshecashiftandanageonherownicantelllyouonethingtheseparticularbikes selformegadollarsandarebuilttoughtolastmanyearsthemudanddirtonthebikeisactuallyonthehousesidingnotthebikeihopsomeluckylittlegirlwilltalkmomanddadintobringingheroversoshecanrideitomeandenjoymanyyearsofridingpleaseemailorcallmeifyouwuldliketocomebyandtryiyhopefullybuyititisashameabikelikethisissittin garoundidlerecentlysomechildrenwerepassing6thehouseandonelittlegirlsawthebikeshegrabbeditandstartedpushingitupyhestreetmyneighborsawitallgodownandyelleforhertobringthebikebackandshedidbutshecameackwithheradwhoproceededtogivemy neighborhellforspeakinguptohisdaughter gofigurethereissomeminerrustonsomenutsandboltsbutwillcomerightoffwithveylittleeffort, so I am passing it along. It has some cosmetic issues, but seems to be in great working order.
I researched the Specialized brand, and these are quite pricey high-end bikes, retailing for upwards of 2$400. So I have set my asking price at $25, but I am more than open to offers. buythis bikeandmakealittlegirlhappy"![]()
I wonder what it feels like to have more dollars than sense.For the Rat Rodder with discerning taste:
Sucks that he needs money,but he'd have better luck collecting aluminum cans for recycling.![]()
"I don't have the space for it, but can make space if it doesn't sell"
"im in desperate need of money"
"These will only go up in value!!"
I can only imagine the look on the face of the kid got that as a present.
That would be cool.It would be cool to build up a recumbent trike with this kind of vibe.
Isn't that a first generation Electra Rat Rod frame?Clearly a Real Looker......