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I can't tell from either his Pic or Description which World model it is.. World Sports around here don't sell at $50. If it were a higher end model like the Voyageur it would sell quicker at $50 in average stored shape.
$1200? Really....?
Well it is a fat bike with some cnc stuff and a boost bottle,it might even have gold never know til you dig into it :giggle::rofl::21::chicken:
Punctuation? Why?:rofl:

Specialized hard Rock :

"hisisafantasticbycleforyourdaughterwhowantstokeepupwiththeboysonroughtrailsandbikepathshewillbethe envy ofalllherfriendspleasenoteihavenoyoungsterssroundsoithasbeenawhile sinceitwasactuallyriddendadorbroshouldbehandywiththeWD40andahandydandy wrenchortwothetiesprobablywillneedairihaveafootpumpifyouneedtouseit$25dollars isa giveawaypriceforthisbikebringyourlittleonealongandletherdecideifitisagodfitthatshecashiftandanageonherownicantelllyouonethingtheseparticularbikes selformegadollarsandarebuilttoughtolastmanyearsthemudanddirtonthebikeisactuallyonthehousesidingnotthebikeihopsomeluckylittlegirlwilltalkmomanddadintobringingheroversoshecanrideitomeandenjoymanyyearsofridingpleaseemailorcallmeifyouwuldliketocomebyandtryiyhopefullybuyititisashameabikelikethisissittin garoundidlerecentlysomechildrenwerepassing6thehouseandonelittlegirlsawthebikeshegrabbeditandstartedpushingitupyhestreetmyneighborsawitallgodownandyelleforhertobringthebikebackandshedidbutshecameackwithheradwhoproceededtogivemy neighborhellforspeakinguptohisdaughter gofigurethereissomeminerrustonsomenutsandboltsbutwillcomerightoffwithveylittleeffort, so I am passing it along. It has some cosmetic issues, but seems to be in great working order.

I researched the Specialized brand, and these are quite pricey high-end bikes, retailing for upwards of 2$400. So I have set my asking price at $25, but I am more than open to offers. buythis bikeandmakealittlegirlhappy":D:grin::21::21::21:
Punctuation? Why?:rofl:

Specialized hard Rock :

"hisisafantasticbycleforyourdaughterwhowantstokeepupwiththeboysonroughtrailsandbikepathshewillbethe envy ofalllherfriendspleasenoteihavenoyoungsterssroundsoithasbeenawhile sinceitwasactuallyriddendadorbroshouldbehandywiththeWD40andahandydandy wrenchortwothetiesprobablywillneedairihaveafootpumpifyouneedtouseit$25dollars isa giveawaypriceforthisbikebringyourlittleonealongandletherdecideifitisagodfitthatshecashiftandanageonherownicantelllyouonethingtheseparticularbikes selformegadollarsandarebuilttoughtolastmanyearsthemudanddirtonthebikeisactuallyonthehousesidingnotthebikeihopsomeluckylittlegirlwilltalkmomanddadintobringingheroversoshecanrideitomeandenjoymanyyearsofridingpleaseemailorcallmeifyouwuldliketocomebyandtryiyhopefullybuyititisashameabikelikethisissittin garoundidlerecentlysomechildrenwerepassing6thehouseandonelittlegirlsawthebikeshegrabbeditandstartedpushingitupyhestreetmyneighborsawitallgodownandyelleforhertobringthebikebackandshedidbutshecameackwithheradwhoproceededtogivemy neighborhellforspeakinguptohisdaughter gofigurethereissomeminerrustonsomenutsandboltsbutwillcomerightoffwithveylittleeffort, so I am passing it along. It has some cosmetic issues, but seems to be in great working order.

I researched the Specialized brand, and these are quite pricey high-end bikes, retailing for upwards of 2$400. So I have set my asking price at $25, but I am more than open to offers. buythis bikeandmakealittlegirlhappy":D:grin::21::21::21:
The ad says they prefer not to text,but will if necessary.I'm thinking I'd prefer not to text as well.
Had an old rust bucket 1967 BMW 1600 years ago. Fun to drive and very cheap on gas. Almost killed myself when single circuit hyd brakes blew and emergency brake was totally rusted and inop.
Car had "cute" feature of steering lock but it would jamb tight with ignition off. So I lost brakes and steering! Kind of like a modem Chevy Cobalt.:eek: Very expensive parts too. 1 rear u-joint (from dealer) :mad: was like $300!
Was fun but as I was and am usually broke, "not my style"... ;)

"I don't have the space for it, but can make space if it doesn't sell"
"im in desperate need of money"
"These will only go up in value!!"
Seriously?????? :rofl::giggle::21::43:
Sucks that he needs money,but he'd have better luck collecting aluminum cans for recycling.
It's a dark pic but I think I see a gusset at the seat tube so I'll say Electra.

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