Crodhopper — D O N E !

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Hello all, sorry for not posting as much as others - been swamped - have had a little time to update a few things, and start on final build.

I had to re-sand & re-paint the frame (I goofed it all up). I stripped the semi-gloss paint I put on forks and re-pimered & painted them flat black and added a orange gloss stripe and accents.

Got rims done... finally - now I see what so many of you takled the rims first!

Found some new handlebars, I liked the Sea Doo bars, but I think these funky ones fit the bike better - more of a rod/tracker/thing - here is bike as of last night.

I have wasted many, many hours trying to figure out/make the fenders work - will try again today - they are the toughest part for sure!

I have truly enjoyed seeing all these bikes come to life! More soon, should finish up this week!!! Wil take many pics when done ../



Quick Update! Sorry for slow posting lately...

Very close to being done, just have to make or paint a shied thing for front, clean it up, then I'll take final pics - hopefully tomorrow, but all in all it's done.

Here are final few pics I took from last week...

Fenders were a BEAST. I must have put together 5 sets of fenders, from cutting and grinding, to riveting, etc. I thought I had one that I cut a hole in, and was going to use a bracket made from ice tongs, but it would not behave.


This pic shows the number plate I made out of 1/4" clear plexiglass, painted everything except a circle in center. Painted the orange stipe and white #8. Had to use a #8 (or zero's) so it would be same from both sides since it's clear in circle.

I finally got a set on there I like, and the solution turned out to be very simple. I cut the fender where it hits the frame, put a smaller piece of a fender through hole, then set rivets to put it all together - painted 1/2 of it black, left other half chrome. I like it because the fenders have NO FENDER BRACES, and the fenders follow the radius of the wheel (that was a boger!).


Another thing that took FOREVER was to run the headlight wire inside the frame from generator to front. It may have been easier on a new frame, but this one was old and it had rust inside. I used an old guitar string to thread, or snake, the frame tube, then wrapped it around the wire and pulled it through - took about 5 tries, wire kept coming of right at the end. DOH! But got it to work.


I realized I did not have a decent chain, had pats of an old nickle-plated chain and parts off a rust-bucket, so put them together to make one chain.

FINAL PICS COMING SOON! Been a fun project. Cheers, T.
Hey there, the Crodhopper is done! Here are few pics I took today, up at school track (like cashman). Had a great time building this one. I typically just toss a bike together, this one, I spent a little more time on. I learned a greta deal about bikes on this project, and am very thankful for it.

I know a lot of you folks don't like fenders, or chainguards, etc. but I like the old school, generator, fenders, and stuff, even though it was very painful to make work! I guess I am most proud of the braceless fenders, and electric wires run inside frame.

The bike rides great, never had, or rode a springer front-end, feels funny, but it's fun!

Here's the pics - hope you all dig it!









Thanks for looking! Can't wait to see all the others! Pound that ground!

Cheers, T.
Great colors, design, and execution. I love the fenders and chainguard. Awesome bike.
cool, i had my doubts bout how the "8" filler would look at first but its killer !!!

two tone light, fender stripes, chainguard, seat, everything is one of a kind !!!
I like the detail on every single part. The chainguard is amazing. And I like the Orange w/black. Great job.
very cool...and i have to say...didnt think i liked the bars...but they actually look great :)
Hey Man that is super cool!!! I love the detailing. I know you put a lot of time into doing the things that don't usually don't get much attention. I especially like what you did to the fenders and seat. The color really blends with the chrome. Great Job!!! The track pics are awesome!!!
I'll race!!!!