Two more pair of vise grips in that second picture and it would have been finished enough for me. But I really like the way you finished it up. That's a very cool ride. Nice.
Three months on and Rei is still riding the thing every day. People regularly stop their cars to ask where she got her bike! Pretty stoked with that! Gotta say thanks to all here for the inspiration.
Wildcat: The grips were turned up on a lathe, so easy matter of putting a woodbit in the tailstock and drilling them to the required depth. Was really happy with the way these came out! They're made from Rimu, a really nice NZ native timber, with a light stain to prevent obscuring the grain, and then hit with a couple coats of varnish to protect them. A big gloop of RTV (silicone sealant) was squeezed into them and then they were pushed onto the bars and left to set overnight - seem to be stuck pretty good.
One of my pet hates is the fact that conventional thinking deems that the bottom bracket must be the lowest point of a bike. My hotrodder's way of thinking says that this is not low enough! - Hence the bottom bracket up the seat-tube design of this thing. Although still not low enough to my eye! (see my new chopper build (viewtopic.php?f=21&t=14624) where if you get a flat tyre, you're on the deck! Sweet!)
Again, thanks for all the ego-boosting comments!!!
Dman - that bike is stunning. I've put a post about it on my latest blogging project ( - I hope you don't mind me using a couple of your pictures. Just drop me a PM if you want them taken down.