Custom 2 Speed Motered Cruiser

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Just finished plastering spakfilla all over the top enclosure
it says it takes 20 minutes to dry, i'm guess its going to take a .... load
longer as i layered it on a lil thicker than you would when using it
to fix cracks in a plastered walls haha...


So ... i have no freakin idea if this will be successful i prolly should of tried
it all out on a scrap piece of polystyrene but i'm the all in type haha..

Once its set ill rub it back to get a smooth finish then lay some coats of primer filler
down and continue to prep as one would when painting :: fingers crossed::
it will do the job of sealing and protecting and won't have a reaction
with the primer filler ...shall see soon enough...

Back soon
Cheers mate, i am keen to see how that steel/carbon fiber frame turns out
this bike i am doing now was originally going to be full carbon fiber but
i bailed out due to cost, with a combined steel/CF cost would be more
affordable i of luck with it. :wink:

ThudSTaR has just upped images of the fully assembled
2 speed box, we have been waiting on a few sprockets
to complete the assembly, the box and motor are now ready to ship!!!
WoooohOOOOOOOOOOOOO....checkz this out boyz -n- Girlz


I iz one happy camper now i tellz you fellas, piece of cnc pron
right there combined with the ThudSTaR Turnigy this
will be a ball tearing powerhouse waaaaaaa :: click ::WAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Thankyou Thud you IZ the man huge thanks to you
buddy....looking forward to update on that lil
project you got brewing for the up coming Death Race too
themz smokers ain't gunna know what hit em hehehe

Shall be back in a feew hours with an update in proceedings
with the top enclosure, it is coming along very well right pleased with it thus far, about to mount it to wooden backing board and apply
the last of spakfilla to the sides which will create a nice
straight uniformed edge

Bit of an anti climax after the above pics but i managed to get the
top enclosures mounted and all the spakfilla work completed


I'm off fishing 5am tomorrow morning but shall spray the primer filler
tomorrow when i return, i think 2-3 good coats then ill rub it back with wet and dry
to get a nice smooth finish...

Back then


So i hearz a car come into the driveway around midday today, didn't recognise the sound of it
i was out of the desk chair into my wheelchair and out there in a flash to see a courier walking towards me
with a BiG box i knew it was THE ThudSTaR 8) 2 Speed Box!!!!


Words can't describe the elation when i unpacked the box and first sighted this box! The pictures honestly don't do
it justice it is SO WELL MADE its ridiculous, solid movement not a millimeter of slop in any of it, looks amazing
feels amazing IS AMAZING!

Come Thursday i will have funds to buy what i need to continue the enclosures i.e Carbon Fiber!! I should also have the wheels back
from Tim at Kalamunda Cycles, he has had to special order the spokes i wanted, i have gone with black spokes and anodized blue nipples
to stay with the black with blue accents through the bike as i said to ThudSter whatever colour the drive is will be what
the colour como on the bike will be, black and blue anodized parts go together like peas and carrots IMHO...Should look THE ....!!!

Thanks again Todd... shall put the box to good use promise you that, hopefully you will be happy
with the new "home" for the 2 Speed box when its complete hehe...

Ciao for now guys...back with update very very soonz ... (top enclosure plugs are pretty much completed aside from

New Rewound Turnigy and 2 Speed Boxtest

Tiz indeed a lovely piece of Kit...Liveforphyseics on the Endless Sphere forum requested i spin it up and show the gear changing mechaism, i was also itching to try the new motor hehehe -->

OK...Luke, ask and ye shall receive buddy :wink: as requested video of the 2 Speed ThudSTaR box spinning up using hv160 44v 20ah lipo pack
from my cruiser...

I was too scared to shift it under full power so i hye..., i mean i girlie shifted it, letting the power off slightly
Thudster did advise to do this when running under load in the bike, once i have the spring loaded
servo setup and get the hang of the throttle/shifting mechanism/speed i will have fast changing with
minimal throttle lift.

I was pleasantly surprised, the no load speed is a ful 2amp LOWER than with the stock Turnigy 80-130kv
when mounted on Recumpence reduction drive :shock: Please explain Luke or Thud how you do that :shock:
It still makes the cool start up tunes and BEST OF ALL!!! it SCREAMS like it used to WOOOOOTz :)

EDIT: just checked video on YouTbe thanks to their compression the amps aren't viewable on the Turnigy meter
it read 5.4 stock it was 7.6ish amps...

Back soon fellas...

2 Speed Mount Fabbed

Cheers guys appreciate the supprt :) Have some more to report, ! :D

Today i fabbed up some aluminum mounts to hold the 2 Speed BoX to the frame
i have used 10mm aluminum 5mm stainless steel bolts to hold the mount together and
10mm stainless steel bolts to bolt the mount to the frame. Unfortunately i didn't have any 5mm
counter sunk cap screws and have had to use button heads, i will rectify this Monday and
acquire the right bolts, the 2 speed will then fit flush on the mounts surface. Heres
a few pics of how i made the mount-->


TiP: For those that haven't worked with thick aluminum before, when cutting it
if you rub some bath soap on the sides of the cutting disk, it cuts a lot easier as the disks' sides
dont 'grab as much once it was all cut out and the holes drilled, it was time to mount it to the seat tube of the frame


All lined up beautifully... happy with the mounting I broke it down again and gave it a quick polish...


Saved some higher rez pics if anyone wishes to take a real close up gander of the mount :)

I may still get this mount anodized blue or black, unsure yet, still IMO it looks pretty neat
and the ThudSTeR 2 Speed has found its home at last :)
...all up the mounts took most of my day up making, with a long lunch break
to watch MotOGP Qualifying, racing in OZ this weekend WOOOtZ

...shall be fitting the lower aluminum
panel tomorrow ...getting a lil excited i seez it coming together!

Back with more soon chaps...

Spent much of the day watching MotoGP Casey Stoner FTW WooTz :lol:

This afternoon i re-sized the bottom bracket mount and welded it in place
i have still to order an extra wide bottom bracket (not making one this time)
From Choppers US either way, the plate to mount it to is now installed after
much cutting, grinding, more cutting, more grinding etc etc My mates
are urging me to forget pedals all together and just put on footpegs
unfortunately its my only argument its still a bicycle if pulled over LoL


As can be seen, i also have trimmed the lower aluminum panel to fit the opening
shall pick up some fasteners tomorrow, along with some right angle aluminum
for the lipo mounting i have planned ;-)

Hopefully by tomorrows end, i shall have all brackets welded in place, the panel mounted and the lipo mounting
organized....back soonz fellas...

Aaaalrighty then ...I have called it quits for the day, after a long day yesterday i am beat, got heaps done none the less,
just about wrapped up the battery mounting compartment, all that's need is a lower and upper plate to which 4 threaded rods will be placed in
each corner and tightened to compress and hold the packs in place ...sorry to disappoint
frock fan duct tape on this build...again :p :lol:

Here's a heap of pics i took today and yesterday, i think they are all pretty self explanatory, the whole lot has
to come off again, prolly several times, as such its all finger tight and no washes used, before someone
starts asking "why aren't you using washes blah blah blah..." I assemble, break down everything many times, washes
and loctite are only added on final assembly...


Yes...i have altered the mounting bracket, bought it in closer to the seat tube to gain a lil more room, i also ......
up the base, KNOWING the counter sinking needed to be on particular side I EVEN CHECKED it twice and STILL
got it wrong another base plate first thing in the a.m no biggy really i guess straight cuts & can use the old
base as a template..Welding of the brackets, this went well, i have added shots of the bare welding, scrapped and wire brushed then
a lil work with the die grinder to show the work involved to get the final result, you shouldn't need much attention to decent flowing weld
primer filler will cover most of these with a swipe of knife putty for any 'ruts' still visible.

Next...this morning i tackled what i didn't quite get to yesterday, the means to hold the planned 12 lipos packs, they
will run long ways from front to back as depicted in (pic 11) below they will also be 'two a breast' ie 4 on each layer
3 layers high...


Left to do on this, add another bracket to the lower seat tube, add an additional plate to hold the aluminum panel to the bottom bracket (you may see it drawn in on pic 10 if your eyez are good enough) also will round all the corners of the angle as depicted in (pic 8)
lil 'trimiing and finiahing work on the aluminium plates to even the gaps up ...Prolly a few other things i forgets now...
shall be back with another update tomorrow arvo...later lads..

No Spokes Till Monday

Since i had to come in to get the dreaded phone call from the Bicycle Shop re:spokes, thought i would have a break, bite
to eat and unload few pics of small job i did on the bike this morning...the final bracket!! (oh...actually, one
veeeeery small bracket remains to be done, mount for rear disk brake caliper..)


As can be seen in pic 4 I have repaired a hole i blew, it was tiny , the lil dot you see on the repair ISN'T the original hole but
the result of a bubble that popped in the weld :-S Would of given it another blat but that was the end of the freakin
welding wire nearly got the frame done on one and a bit rolls!...Seeing the frame is just about complete, thought i would
see where we iz at weight wise, was quite happy to see ~7 kilo the result...with additional bracket for brake caliper, frame
prepped undercoated and painted i think we will hit ~7.5kilo all told (no seat) Considering the wall thickness of the tubing used
and the steel plate for the brackets is 4mm i think we have a pretty damn solid frame and IMHO not too heavy, i will
definitely feel alot safer knowing i have a strong frame under me when i am scooting about at 60km/hr+

Back later with update of afternoons progress...

Re: No Spokes Till Monday

AussieJester said:
i will definitely feel alot safer knowing i have a strong frame under me when i am scooting about at 60km/hr+


It's not to bad though, i think i might even be making a heavier frame than that :)

Great stuff, looking forwar to seeing it complete
More Mounting

Ok...having rubbed the finger prints off my thumb and two
fingers along with colouring the water red with blood I
used to wet sand the aluminum parts, thankfully ALL
aluminum is prepped ready for polishing :wink: ..
SO today...i think i improved my 2 speed mounting
setup... I was concerned with the whole show moving and possibly
elongating the holes in the seat tube, regardless of how much
i tightened down the 3x 10mm bolts on the mount...SO, i took
some 3mm steel plate and did this-->


I knowingly destroyed the 10mm stainless steel bolts & nylocs i used
to hold the plates in place and square, no biggie ill pick up
new ones before final assembly, as a result though, all
above pics the mount is just sitting there not tightened down
as i don't have any 10mm bolts long enough to screw a nut on
even so haha it doesn't have more than a couple of millimeters
sideways movement with the bolts just sitting without nuts on
the bolts! When tightened, the only way it can move is if it
rips the 6x6mm high tensile counter sunk steel bolts out of the
mount...i am well pleased with the outcome.. Take that Rodgah :mrgreen: :p :lol:

Rollin Chassis

I been busy last few days doing some prep work on the frame.. still needing to attach
spring mounts when i can afford the seat/mounting hardware and dual shock setup i'm wanting, along with a
disk brake caliper mount, OH...and the extra wide bottom bracket i still need to weld in place...when i get
one from ChoppersUS.
..As such, had to leave the inner seat stays 'ripples' alone... and the rear dropout
not that it really requires alot of attention haha..First picks are with a lil body filler ...


Actually required very little body filler once all sanded down, the above pic was actually all yesterdays goingz onz haha...

Below pics...are what i got upto today ;-)-->


I said i would have a rolling chassis Monday...lil late but as they say, better late than never unfortunately
though no freaking tubes i have just popped the tires on the rims anywayz, they are 24x2.5in Maxxis Hookworms -->


Lotsa room for chain ThudSTeR ;-) ... I have bought a disk brake sprocket adapter from Mr Recumpence to fit on the
Sturmey archer too..should be here soon i hope, but i think we can see there looks to be plenty of room ;-)

Next pension check i will place an order for a stem @ Chan Reaction Cycles, shall add some tubes to the
order when i do... I have also asked good ol Matt.P to pick up some bars (same as i have on blue cruiser)
Matt will be dropping them at the powder coaters for ,e also, there they will be sandblasted before podwer
coated in Satin Black... (they are originally chrome bars)

...There is stacks of sanding and painting still to do on the bike, rember the pics you see above is a just a
quick coat of etch prmer after a few coats of primer filler and some wet sanding i think she will be good to
go with some colour......

We aren't doing to bad it does look vaguely similar to the 'plan'
i painstaking and at no expense to the management! drew up LoL...



Well pleased thus far anwyaz :mrgreen:

Back Soon..

Looking good! Let me guess, you used your downhill bike as a donor? :mrgreen: Gives me a good idea though, i have Marzochi 888 lying around because i cracked ik on a downhill weekend. Gave me a good advice to finally get the shiver DC :D Anyway, the 888 should still work nicely on a cruiser. Thanks for the idea!
No more progress to report, well, not anything actually made other than a pattern for the pivot
mount aluminum side plates...I did line the old cruiser and new bike up for a side by side comparison thought
it would be interesting to see the differences in length and height...-->


The new ride is alot shorter, will have a lil more nimble handling as a result of reduced wheelbase and
less radical head angle... Still unsure of the weight i can still easiiily lift it i am guessing in the vicinity of ~20kilo
Mate Mick is picking me up to head to Drags tomorrow evening, i will have him pick the bike up and hop
onto the scales before we head out for exact weight as she is now...

I shall get onto the stabilizer mount first thing in the a.m now i have something on paper planned...


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