Custom 2 Speed Motered Cruiser

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hey did not have time to read thu it all, so i read some and looked at pictures looks great not shore if theres a reason for it but the half link chain on the pedal drive side is upside down

any way good to see another oz'y on here:)
More Carbon Fiber :p

I started working on a new gear change linkage setup, my mate who was also into RC cars like myself few years ago still had a heap of parts so we scrounged through them and thought something like this would work


^^that was done last week just today i got back working on the bike as i have been busy making a welding trolley for new welder i bought here's the linkages all bolted up...


And thought you might like to see the welding trolley


took a total of 3 hours over a few days haha not pushing myself
here LoL...I was given a trolley from kerbside collection by
a friend, it was one of those flower trolley HUGE things you
see in market gardens and bunnings etc with dozens of pot
plants on them, was like 1.5meters wide and meter or so
diameter and twice the height it is now in pic haha basically
chopped a corner of it off and joined it back up to the side
haha turned out all right i think, the wheels were what i was
after manly very heavy duty ball bearings on the castors
now i can move the welder i couldn't before, painted it with
some 15 year old Kill Rust metal primer i had on the shelf
after mixing the thick paste goo at the bottom of the can with
Metho used one of my old fiberglass brushes to paint it with hahahaha ...

More Carbon Fiber And Lightening Holes

I wasn't completely happy with the first couple of gear change levers lil too flimsy so-->


Spring loaded to first gear, push down lever for 2nd gear, hit downshift
'button' on shifter it springs to 1st again works perfectly! AnD is super
strong, bit overkill really, 10mm ali with 2mm CF on each side could
park a freakin tank on it and it wouldn't bend :D:lol:

Back soon with a carbon fiber alumnium chain guard to protect me left leg
from the eno freewheel well, not really my leg gets nowhere near it tiz just
another excuse to use some more alumnium and Carbon fiber haha

Carbon Fiber Chain Guard

Since i saw Mr Recumpence beautiful hand made Carbon fiber and delerin
chain guard, i of course, wanted one myself... like most of the things Matt.S makes...i want LoL-->


So not being able to purchase one, i made one myself! with a few "additions" of my oown :p
and alumnium sides rather than i have no delerin closest i have
is white polyethylene which would have stood out like dogs balls..

Here's the pics i took with the Nokia N95 8GB phone after ~3 hours of work on the guard i was given-->


I had to pull the 2 Speed ThudSTeR BoX apart to drill and tap mounting holes
i was rather nervous at first with all the cogs and slidy bitz ThuD had "lovingly" crafted hehe
now however after much swearing getting grub screws undone (I will never accuse ThudSTeR for not using enough loctite! LOL)
i am a lil more familiar with the ins and outs of it..... until of course it comes to reassembly
then it will be ThuuuuuuuuuuDSTeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeR HeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeLP :mrgreen:


~2 hours later i had the guard completed.The alumnium has only been sanding
with 120grit then scotch brite for the finish you see in the pics 1-5 After these the
guard was actually modified slightly as such was stripped down again, i sanded and
then rubbed it with scotch brite pad again but really it needs another few minutes worth of rubbing to
get the finish seen in first pics...

Hopefully the sparky will be here tomorrow to do the power cable for my welder
so i can weld the tabs to the frame to mount the tow hitch assembly, stuck
until then unable to use the welder with current flimsy cords...

I will be making the chain guard for the other side of the box tomorrow...

As always I am immensely impressed by your creativity and ingenuity. And best of all for me is that not only are your creations stylish and ingenius but there is well thought engineering and the bikes are highly functional. Fantastic work!!!
Aluminium Side Panels Completed

Thanks fellas for the kind words, i haven't till recently done alot to the bike
I been having to much fun riding it in this lovely weather we are having...
I did require a means to two my wheelchair behind the bike, so reluctantly
knocked up a tow hitch and fitted it to the bike

Acarabina was again utilised to connect the chair and tow assembly together
it works amazingly well and is soooo simple, i thought some guys
here that hadn't been around early for the last bike, might like to see it?
could also be used to hookz up a trailer...









As with the tow hitch assembly on the ol blue cruiser, this one will also
be powedercoated satin black to help it 'blend' in with the wheel
and hopefully not stand out like nuts on a bull terrier.

And, Yes! i can hook it up on my own and detach it without a problem
i tellz ya being 20kg lighter is sooooo good! i feel like a different person
I can 'jump' up on the bike noooo problemo now, been hitting the
weights last 3 weeks too, my legs are stronger i don't even use the
stabilizers anymore once i have gotten on the bike, they are used now
purely for transferring on and off the bike, not for stopping on route... rapt :)

Side Panels!!...

Sorry to those wanting to see some flash carbon fiber (CF) i had all intentions
to do the side panels in CF, until i started playing with carboard templates
and grew to like the simplistic look that still allowed a peak
below to see the CF panel and mounting hardware, gear lever mechanism and ThudSTeR 8)
2 Speed... So, after 4 different templates were cut over the last week and a half, i decided
on this design-->


This is 2mm alumnium sheet, i covered the outer facing side with masking tape
to protect it from scratching, and to make marking out the template's shape easier..


As i said to RodGaH, i had these :: cough:: "Lazer cut" i.e 6in angle grinder and a cut off disk :mrgreen:



I had actually lined up with a mate to use his works bender to do the bending, but seeing it
was only 2mm, i ran the angle grinder along the reverse side of the 'bend line'
prior to clamping the ali between two pieces of wood in the vice and heaving on it...resulted
in a very neat crisp bend...then, the best moment of it all, removing the masking tape!


And no, the ali will not be remaing in its natural state :cry: one of three things will happen
it will either be painted the colour of the frame, the side panels used down the track
as a mold and/or plugs to make the exact thing from CF, OR they will be anodised along
with the remaining ali pieces...not sure yet OH, intrim i may fake it up with
some of the vinyl CY contact same as we have seen Matt.P use on the last 3 bikes
he put together, very resilient and looks the part..and at the very least will give me a
better indication if i would like them in 'real' CF... :: shrugs::


I bolted both of the panels together after cutting them and prior to bending, to 'match them' up
at least where they were both the same, the motor/drive ends of the panels differ slightly
i decided in case of a chain snapping (has happened to me before on motorcycles) i
would have a little 'insurance' against the flailing chain taking out the electronics-->




^^ would like to 'angle in' the lower section of this panel same as the other side but there is a
plastic project box directly behind it containg alot of wiring/connections so straight
it must be, the chain clearance is ~5mm..the other side however turned out nicely in respect to
directing air over the Castle Creation HV160-->


theres ~5mm clearance from side panel and the HV160 ESC, should get some nice
air flow directed right over the heatsink!...the Turnigy motor is thus left out in the breeze
also, to suck in the cooling breezezzz :)

I was concerned about the bus bars/connections being easily poked and proded the
angling in of the top of the panel nicely covers the connectors, will disperse light rain if ever caught out
BUT still leaves the aluminum angle with its lightening holes, visible...-->


looks neat i think :) and yes haha Hal, if your reading this, there will be some lightening holes added
to these panels, a row at least matching the ones on the angle will be done along the very top
of the panel...As can be seen the front of the panel is bent inwards
hopefully help a lil in the aero department?


With alot of the stainless steel fixtures still visible, i am keen to place an order at ProBolt
for some blue anodized alumnium cap screws and nuts to replace the stainless steel bolts/nuts
used now, not so much a weigh tthing as a '.... factor' thing though i admit...

Thanks again Wolf and sensor, appreciate the support and positive feedback, I Shall keep you & the rest still following this worklog updated, for now i'm off for a ride :)

The genius of this build continues!

You are definitely working in the future on this one mate. Keep up the amazing work.

Also good to hear you're getting around a little better these days as well.

Looking forward to seeing the panels in CF or at least vinyl wrap.

Dr. T
for an E bike, that is soo sic. way beyon me to do all the you sir have some mad skills. can't wait to see ya riding it on a vid. I really like the way ya did the towing bracket. have been trying to think how to hook up my old wagon to pull on my rail to trails bike an make it look kool. ya did it. I hope ya don't mine if I do something similer. keep up the great work. thank you. :mrgreen:

Outlaw 8)