I came across the blue bike by accident when looking for a scooter for my son on ebay. To get the scooter I had to buy a bulk lot of five or so various bikes and this was one of them. No problem handing over $100 for the lot as I sold of the other stuff and almost got this for free. Added a second hand springer front end and fat seat, ready to roll! I think its a cheapy supermarket brand but that just makes it more fun to modify. The purple bike is a 20" I put together for my nephew from various bits and pieces. The black one is also made up from various second hand bits and pieces, apart from the tyres and seat and a quick respray. Not to mention a tube of Autosol metal polish. No idea what make the frame is but it came with dodgy plastic woodgrain panels which I replaced with aluminium. These ones were quick and easy, unfortunately I have several others that are more time consuming that wont get completed for sometime,......but that wont stop me starting another one.