I need some help! I picked up this Derby Deluxe. Not sure what year it is and there is very little about the Derby Brand. I've been told it's a 1953? Could be from Evans/Colson? Can anyone help me out?
Yep, looks H.P. Snyder made to me, not Colson/Evans. Snyder built Rollfast bikes (Rollfast was the house brand) and also made the bikes sold by Montgomery Wards stores (Hawthorne). Clearly, they made bikes for other distributors as well... I think "Derby" was a hardware store bike, but I don't know which store sold it. As for the year, I really wouldn't know. My guess is more like 55/56 ish, but that's a very uneducated guess, just going by the styling.
skoda said:
Wow, super nice. What are the tires? Those are crazy.
I've seen these before... I think they are some kind of U.S. Royal tire. I feel as though the name has "worm" in it somewhere but I could be wrong on that.
Wow, that is a bike I would be proud of. As far as dates go, my guess is late 50's any earlier and I think it would have a skiptooth, but im not sure about how those all played out
I wanted to thank everyone with the help finding the information on this bike. It looks like it was sold at Pep Boys. They sold this model for multiple years. I am now searching to find out what year I have. Here is a page out of their 1954 catalog.
I came across this post while doing some research on this bike my wife's parents had stored away in a shed. I've always thought it was cool so I took some pictures and I'm hoping I could get a little more information about it. From the image of the Pep Boys catalog it almost looks exactly like the girls model of the Derby Deluxe. Unfortunately its missing the headlamp. Any more info I could get would be great and maybe some tips on cleaning it up and possibly how much a headlamp for this would run?