Dived evolved into dove

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In America both are acceptable. But you are correct, DIVED is the past tense for DIVE.......The word DOVE has been used more often in the last few (American) generations, so it has now become part of our everyday vernacular......I can't imagine using the word "dived", to me it just doesn't sound right.
Extra 'i', not sure what you mean there.

Colour is the original spelling, color was the American version invented when your dictionary was written, same with tyre.

But 'hi' is not an American invention for 'hello' - it's old English from the Viking period.
stephen said:
Extra 'i', not sure what you mean there.

Colour is the original spelling, color was the American version invented when your dictionary was written, same with tyre.

But 'hi' is not an American invention for 'hello' - it's old English from the Viking period.
The other i in aluminum
or somehthing

The other i in aluminum
or somehthing

That's what I said! Have a more careful look at it :)[/quote]

Where did aint and arent come from?
Southern US?
TheFlyingDingo said:
JoeyMac said:
I think being hanged and being hung are two different things...
Are you serious?

uh, yeah.

Being hanged is having a rope put around your neck and then having your body suspended from said rope.

Being hung is different, but I can't get into specifics on this family oriented board. Let's just say it's much better to be hung than hanged.
Ah yes, aluminum. I first noticed the difference in pronunciation during a visit to the UK and it took me a moment to realize what my English cousin was saying.

In the US it is pronounced a-LOO-min-um
In the UK it is pronounced a-loo-MIN-yum

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