...on my bike.
I bought this bike without knowing much about it. Over the last couple of weeks I've discovered nearly every part on the bike is incorrect to it. Not a big deal really, but I happen to like the look of he original bike better.
Someone mentioned that they thought this might be a Ladies seat. From what I've learned I think they might be right. Thoughts?
I found a complete bike that is nearly all original online as a reference. The owner said it originally had a Troxel brand seat. Is that what I should be looking for if I want to keep this bike original?
I bought this bike without knowing much about it. Over the last couple of weeks I've discovered nearly every part on the bike is incorrect to it. Not a big deal really, but I happen to like the look of he original bike better.
Someone mentioned that they thought this might be a Ladies seat. From what I've learned I think they might be right. Thoughts?
I found a complete bike that is nearly all original online as a reference. The owner said it originally had a Troxel brand seat. Is that what I should be looking for if I want to keep this bike original?