Wow...talking about some at it non-stop for twelve hours and then some... my greatest critic (my wife), didn't like the round number plate I installed under the headlight....she said.."I don't like that look...I thought you were going to put a spring you had in front...." ,,, she called me out so I had to go at it and attempt to build my first working springer front-end. After removing the plate and mounting hardware I pulled out some parts and started manually drafting up some mock above shows the rockers I made from the rear section of a Schwinn Chopper frame. Seemed to be heavy steel so after a few hours on the grinder they came out pretty nice. It is weird how all the things started falling into place and up to each major change...things changed again for the better....some things....bolts and nuts I thought I needed were not needed and some I thought I would need I didn't. ?? Before I photo the pretty much finished bike I will be adding some details... Oh, yea,, I decided after mocking up some kool bent copper tubing pipe....that maybe I could actually make a working propane flaming bike that would be kool for the James Dean & Gas City Festivals coming up in September....the old cars have the flame-throwers that are really popular so I said,,,,hey, my bike is going to throw some flames.......what is kooler than real flames.....I would like to have shown all the steps in getting it to work...any questions will be answered the best I can. Hope you enjoy the build. I am really having a blast doing it and have stretched my abilities a bit. Good to say that I have done EVERYTHING myself and have had to repeat many things over and over to get them close to right. Paint is coming up next....and maybe some painted flames on the tank. I have considered putting the propane in the tank area but it would be a little tight and I like the propane being where the motor would have been on a real old-skool flat-tracker race bike.