Thanks guys for the cool comments!!
I'm already thinking of 24" x 3" wheels, stripping of the paint and letting it rust. And another seat! The Brooks was great on my cruiser, but my backside was pretty sore after the FBI-cruise, haha! Well, we'll see...
I did make quite a few skate/longboards, Nickname. Thanks for checking the pics! Here's a link to a lonboard-thread from a few months back:
Thanks Clancy! Glad you enjoyed it!
Rickster, I got this horn of a fleamarket, about 15 years ago. The guy had loads of 'em. My brother-in-law put it on his cruiser and it got stolen within two days, haha! Now they seem rare...
This one I modified slightly, can't buy the org. battery anywhere, but it works on a 9 volt block. I've put a tiny switch on it, so I don't have wires on my handlebars.
A trade? How about 3 rusty ones? :lol: