EL Grande Choppa w/ pic's

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Feb 14, 2008
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well i am back kinda. started building a new bike. gee, can ya guess what it will be by the name? here's a pic of part of it. some of you will remember that it was going to be a drag bike. well i changed my mind and am building a, of coarse you can guess as most of you know what my fav bikes are. i may not get this done for awhile as i think i have finnaly got our house sold. keepin my fingers crossed. if so it will be awhile till we get in to our new place and i get my new shop built. so here is a pic of the one part. i will try and get a pic of the full mock up this weekend. later


Re: EL Grande Choppa

nope, just a standard 4 in wide stingray chopper rim using the standard tube. yep, that is a big bad tire.lol. can ya guess what i am building or ya all are waiting for the pic's of the mockup? come on all, take a guess.

Re: EL Grande Choppa

Uhh....Let me guess.......a Taco bike....a Guacamole bike....a Chalupa bike....Maybe an El Grande "BURRITO"! With a side order of Nachos.
Re: EL Grande Choppa

hello kota, thought you would respond. how are you? yep, very good guess but you know what my fav bike's are.lol. will get up some mock -up pic's soon.

Outlaw :)
Re: EL Grande Choppa

Hey OUTLAW!! I know you love a good old burrito and you also love your Harley. Could this be a Burrito stuffed with a Hot-N-Spicy motor? :shock: That's my best guess on this one!! :D
Re: EL Grande Choppa

WOW :!: Fat tire alert :!: Fat tire alert :!:

What size is it? Did you have to widen the OCC rear triangle to get it to fit?

Just askin' for possible future theft.... :roll:

Dr. T
Re: EL Grande Choppa

lol, hot an spicy motor! now that would be fun. but no, just my old legs are going to try and move this one.lol.

size, it's a 16 in x 130mm motorcycle tire which is about a little over 5 in's. nope didn't have to make it wider but it is tight. will have to make some adj. for chain to miss the tire and then there will be other stuff that will go along with that. hmmm, did i get your attn. yet? :lol:

i'll post the mock up pic's this weekend. thanks

Re: EL Grande Choppa

thanks Doc. :) this will be a fun build an hopefully interresting. :shock: later

Outlaw 8)
Re: EL Grande Choppa

ok, here is what ya all been looking for. there will be alot of aleignning to do to get it all right. so take a look and see what ya all think :D










so there ya have it. i won't show ya everything but will post as i go along with the project. hope ya all enjoyed.

hahaha, yep, could be rough, but it will come up some more when it's all done. i took it out of the jig and the front forks came back. it will be better.lol. i did like it but i don't think i could get it over any sand in the road.lol.

Outlaw :lol:
well, got the frame almost together. am fabing up a 3 speed jackshaft. has anyone done one? would like to see one done. didn't take any pic's today. will see about tommorow. well that's it for now. :)

kota, yep, i seen it before but can't remember who did it. since i won't be able to put a brake on the rear due to wide tire thought i would try the freewheel brake. looks fun.lol

Outlaw :)
ok, there is a post of someone building a Burrito but he doesn't like the name. he wants to have a poll to change it to something else. said he had a hard time telling people what in meant. go read his post. he didn't understand the name. he also didn't do a search about it. so, here is what happen and how the name came to be. maybe this person will read this post.

when choppers forum was around a guy named Honest Abe built the first one. we needed a name for the style, so we did a poll. mine was Long Rider but it was kind of boring, no story for it. so Junkman entered his name BURRITO to the list as a joke and it won. here is his story why: 1st you have a late nite Burrito, then go to bed, and BAMM you have a dream, not like MLK, but how to build a BUTT scrappin bike. it could be a combo of Taco Bell indigestion gasses causing a toxic hallucination. i don't know, but now when the ? is asked, there is a story.

so that is how it all came about. like it or not, do what ya want. i like the name and will keep using it. what gets me is someone uses the name but says he doesn't like the name. if ya don't like the name then don't use it. call it whatever ya want. i am glad this is my post that way i can rant all i want.lol.


Outlaw :lol: