Electra Bikes Parts Clearance Sale

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Rat Rod said:
I guess they never sold any of the 7 speed cruiser wheels while they were at regular price.

They seem to still have plenty of them. :D

I'm tempted to place a second order to get one, although I don't have an immediate need...
Someone on the Electra forum got their wheel already...

OOOHH AAAHH can't wait.
Reading the Electra Site post by PeeWee it looks like a bunch of those had a W designation
and it was for warranty. Guess they didn't have that many go bad or have problems.
rydr1 said:
The site started having problems. I could not log in and it kept kicking my cart to zero items. It didn't accept my credit card, but it took my PayPal with a weird site error afterwards, but received a payment confirmation from paypal only.

I'll update and see if they got my order.

Something similar happened after I paid via CC and then tried to look up my order. Just checked my statement & it shows my Electra order pending, so I guess it went through.
fordmike65 said:
rydr1 said:
The site started having problems. I could not log in and it kept kicking my cart to zero items. It didn't accept my credit card, but it took my PayPal with a weird site error afterwards, but received a payment confirmation from paypal only.

I'll update and see if they got my order.

Something similar happened after I paid via CC and then tried to look up my order. Just checked my statement & it shows my Electra order pending, so I guess it went through.

called the guy a few hours ago and he said he could not see my order. he took my info and said he would call me back. He hasn't called me back, but I received a paypal refund email from electra. :(

I went back in and reordered the things again with a credit card, it took it, but it gave me a server error message and a double order page from electra (error 3).

No confirmation, so I checked my online charges and it shows a pending charge from electra. Lets hope that we can at lease get some of the stuff we ordered. :mrgreen:
Well, my CC statement still shows the order is pending, but now my order on the Electra site shows shipped with all the items I ordered. Guess that means I'm good to go?? I both emailed & left a voicemail earlier to day to confirm my order indeed went through. Haven't heard back yet. I'd imagine everyone over at Electra has been going nuts all day long.
Just logged in and mine is shipped with tracking numbers. I was worried because some things were marked sold out
ratina said:
Just logged in and mine is shipped with tracking numbers. I was worried because some things were marked sold out

Same here, coming tomorrow. Of course I don't live that far from them so that helps. I'm sure they had a busy day.
Good new for me too. An employee got a hold of me and noticed my second order and he stated that my stuff is good to go.

They are definitely doing their best over there, so please be patient with them. They are also keeping up with all the post here on RRB and making sure everything gets sorted out, now that is dedication, so thanks Chad and all the Electra employees working OT.
The was me (Chad aka PeeWee)
we are crazy busy, but trying to keep up
all the wheels should come with the shifter, if it doesn't, let me know
I personally just got $1200 worth of stuff! and I'm planning on doing another order later :0
and no, we are not really making a profit on this stuff
and yes, there is more to come in the coming weeks/ months
ask me any questions, and I will try to answer them all

We just don't have pictures of most of these items, and the descriptions aren't all complete, but that's life in the clearance bin
we still have 3i, 7i and 8i wheels left
the 7i and 8i wheels are silver

I know its getting cash flow back inline , but I also know I, and probably everybody that has ordered,
really thank Yall for the deal. Its nice to get good parts we need (want) at a real bargain price.
If I told you now, it would ruin the surprise! and I'm still planning it, but it will be good.


Peatbog said:
PeeWee said:
and yes, there is more to come in the coming weeks/ months
ask me any questions, and I will try to answer them all


Okay, what is coming in the following weeks/months? :p

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