Electric Bikes

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A few of us Chicago guys did this one.
Dan Koenig at Ichi Bike has built several of them....all custom set ups mostly on vintage bikes.

He likes the E-Bike Kits and he also uses mid drive set ups as well.

You might give him a call and chat about it....he's definitely been through all of the pitfalls of setting these up and can tell you what to do and what not to do.
I'm almost done with my Fat Ebike (no kit). I'm vacillating on should I paint it or not?

As mentioned the Endless Sphere site is a great resource with helpful information. For me, the one drawback with ebikes is the battery and controller placement. Too often they look like an afterthought on a bike; clumsy and cumbersome; usually placed at the rear, behind the seat (this uneven weight distribution has the tenancy to throw the bike's balance off).

My objective was to build a stealth bike, utilizing a Stromer aluminum frame. The 36V 14ah battery is hidden inside the frames down tube; low gravity and center distribution. The controller is also hidden in the hub's 500w motor. I have dual modes (PAS and throttle) and I get about 33mph on the flats.

You can view my build http://www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/index.php?threads/my-first-ebike.88435/
Plus other interesting eBikes are popping up...but I agree with you Steve...Voltage has the cleanest lines; hiding the battery and the controller from view.

It doesn't have to make sense if its a labor of love or expressing your self in a unique manor. Many think Rat Roding don't make sense but it doesn't have to. If you are really worried about the economics of it you might be best off sitting on the sofa. When you are riding your creation in a parade or at a Hot Rod show with people swamping you to get photos you aren't thinking about the cost.
The one thing I have learned is that, other than the uniqueness of the finished project, electric vehicles really don't make sense versus "conventional" versions of the same vehicle.

I concur with Sosume as to the interpretation of your post. This particular line just reads pessimism.

Sure, electric bikes can be expensive, if you go the route of a kit or a store bought bike. However, many DYI ebike builders on Endless Sphere are much like Rat Rodders; building bikes from scratch or repurposing parts. YouTube has a plethora of videos on how to build batteries on a budget!

Ebikes have been around for well over 100 years and yet it’s still nascent!

Instead of sharing the negative side of eBikes, why not also enlighten us to its benefits? From your own admission you’ve been involved with alternative E-vehicles for years. What’s the fascination?
Personally I just like the idea of being able to fly around on something like a motorcycle without any sound. We've got about 6-7 miles of paved bike path that runs right by my house.

I've had a few mini bikes, but they aren't that great for neighborhood riding. They make lots of noise and you run the risk of the neighbors calling the cops on you. They draw too much attention on the bike/walk path too.

For me it would never be about trying to replace a car or to save the planet...it would just be for fun.
CeeBee, I now understand your first comment…you were referencing the robust range of all “vehicles” not just bikes? I agree the biggest drawback is the battery! For bikes, batteries are usually bulky with short range (I usually carry an extra one in my backpack). But technology is working on trying to downsize them and extend their range?
If your ride is less than 30 miles, having an eBike can be cool and fun.

I live at the top of a hill in Fairfax, CA. This is the town where mountain biking began! It’s inundated with all kinds of cyclists; Roadies attacking the serpentine roads, Mountain Bikers traipsing the back trails, Commuters navigating the town traffic, Cargo peddlers hauling kids and Pleasure riders just enjoying the scenery.

Recently, my Fat ebike is turning heads and soliciting kudos. However on the flip side…the “awes” have quickly turned into “boos” on the weekends with a certain crowd; the spandex cyclists!

There’s a corner of the town where these colorful teams hang out and socialize prior to climbing the hills (its the same route I take to go home). If I see a team paceline ahead and I'll catch up to them, and stay at the back of the pack.

These guys are in excellent shape, with superb conditioning! It’s amazing to watch them spin their small clusters of cogs on those expensive featherweight frames! After a while, they'll notice me over their shoulders and try everything to shake me! Sometimes I just play alone with their competitive spirit, until we approach the hills.

After 20 minutes or so attacking the hills, I just quietly zip pass their echelon on my behemoth...leaving entire teams in the dust! In my wake, I’ll hear the angry outcries, “Not Fair!” “Cheater!!!" I just smile and enjoy the rest of my ride home, up the hill.
Ebikes have been around for well over 100 years and yet it’s still nascent!
Bonus points for using the word nascent. :D

I passed on a damaged E-bike for cheap a couple of years ago and have since regretted not buying it just to play with.
Ratrod, you have now got me thinking about an electric mini-bike. I still have that old re-wound generator I mentioned earlier, and the heft of a deep cycle marine battery is much better suited to a vintage mini-bike frame than to a vintage bicycle.:39:

I have got a couple of them both old and new. The old one is a cool setup but it is so heavy with a marine battery on back that you almost need the motor on just to make it go. The new one totally won me over on E-bikes. With a 350 watt motor and lithium battery, it is almost too powerful for the lightweight aluminum frame. Note I said almost! I am all for bigger, faster, stronger but whenever somebody asks me if they can give it a try I get nervous watching them take off. The pedal assist ALWAYS catches them off guard, no matter how much I warn them.


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