Thanks deorman
We try to show that electric bicycles don't necassarily have to be 'dorky' vehicles
that you would usually see geeks riding (not that there is anything wrong with geeks...LoL) E-bikes i think, have a stigma about them, that they have short range, no power, and are expensive ...I think the video discounts at least the first two points, e-bikes can be very viable transport option and don't have to look 'odd' while doing it
Wait until we start see pump gas prices raise to 7-8 bucks a gallon we will see alot more e-bikes on the road, i know each time the oil prices spike we get an influx of new members on Endless Sphere wanting to park their cars simply because they cant afford them, and find alternative transportation, i
The oil that was 'easy' to extract dried up several years ago, there's alot of oil left enough to last hundreds of years for sure, but it cost ALOT more to extract it from the ground the days of cheap crude is long behind us make no mistake about that. Matters not either way to me, i haven't driven a car in over 10 years and will likely not again, i can afford to buy a car, i can't afford to keep one though, insurance, rego, maintenance and gas makes it unobtainable for me. My e-bike gets me 90% of the places i want to get to and it costs me under 10 cents to charge it. E-bikes for me ain't about flipping the bird to big oil or saving the environment, couldnt care less about oil companies and the earth will do just fine no matter what we do. They iz fun to build to so its all win for me hahaha
Did you know, the e-bike is more efficient than riding a pedal powered bicycle! the same energy required to go a set distance on an e-bike cost less than the food you need to eat to produce the same amount of energy to cover the same distance
Cheers again mate
that you would usually see geeks riding (not that there is anything wrong with geeks...LoL) E-bikes i think, have a stigma about them, that they have short range, no power, and are expensive ...I think the video discounts at least the first two points, e-bikes can be very viable transport option and don't have to look 'odd' while doing it
Wait until we start see pump gas prices raise to 7-8 bucks a gallon we will see alot more e-bikes on the road, i know each time the oil prices spike we get an influx of new members on Endless Sphere wanting to park their cars simply because they cant afford them, and find alternative transportation, i
The oil that was 'easy' to extract dried up several years ago, there's alot of oil left enough to last hundreds of years for sure, but it cost ALOT more to extract it from the ground the days of cheap crude is long behind us make no mistake about that. Matters not either way to me, i haven't driven a car in over 10 years and will likely not again, i can afford to buy a car, i can't afford to keep one though, insurance, rego, maintenance and gas makes it unobtainable for me. My e-bike gets me 90% of the places i want to get to and it costs me under 10 cents to charge it. E-bikes for me ain't about flipping the bird to big oil or saving the environment, couldnt care less about oil companies and the earth will do just fine no matter what we do. They iz fun to build to so its all win for me hahaha
Did you know, the e-bike is more efficient than riding a pedal powered bicycle! the same energy required to go a set distance on an e-bike cost less than the food you need to eat to produce the same amount of energy to cover the same distance
Cheers again mate