or maybe Left Coast or Left Coaster as a tribute to Gary Fisher or Marin bikes. Haven't decided on which frame to use yet.
Be carereful with the rear brake. That support tube isn't really made to be load bearing. I tried the same once and ripped it out a few days after the first ride.A little out of order. I found photos of this Gary Fisher when I brought it home.
700 c wheels on a mtb frame. Side pull caliper brakes. Rear derailleur ripped offf so the previous owner tried to make it a single speed without a clue. "magic ratio" from big ring to big cog? Normally the chain would keep jumping off but the chain was so tight the chain stayed on. Because the chain was so tight, the crank and rear wheel would not move well. Because the chain was so tight, it destroyed the rear hub bearing cones. A photo below of the cone.
The front hub had too many balls in it so that was destroyed. You can see the extra bearing divots in the hub bearing cup. With too many balls, the balls don't move as they are stacked up on each other. The cone grinds away and balls hammer divots in the cup. number of divots usually matches the ball count.
The bike was from a local pot head who thinks he can fix anything but actually ruins everything he touches. I've talked to him many times. 30s, doesn't work, doesn't want to work,says work is stupid, probably on some social mental aid. He was on faster than typical ebikes for a couple years. Clearly thinks traffic laws don't apply to him. Have not seen him all winter, maybe he left town, got locked up for others safety, crashed & burned, who knows???
are we keeping score? Ruined headset bearing, ruined front hub bearings, ruined rear hub bearing, rusty and crusty bb cartridge.
Oh yea, the headset lock washer was missing. good luck getting the headset adjusted right with 1 big adjustable wrench.
I think the front derailleur is okay and probably the crank.
Overall too many issues and scratches to do a resto. So turn it into a build project.
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