Careful, you might cause a few wrecks with the unsuspecting public once they lay eyes on the machine.
Careful, you might cause a few wrecks with the unsuspecting public once they lay eyes on the machine.
Careful, you might cause a few wrecks with the unsuspecting public once they lay eyes on the machine.
Wow Carleton, incredible stuff. I don't have my glasses so Im skimming through mostly pictures and shes quite impressive. Go man.
SWEET! Those bars are awesome! Looks great with the single light too.
Yeah, that light looks tight. Are you going to mount the aluminum caps on the wheels down the road? I thought that really tied in with everything you have going on. I was thinking about the copper rims myself , they are cool as well.
Surprisingly the bars are quite comfortable.That's what I like about them, I agree. Kind of like lowering any kind of car just makes it look better, whether it's practical or not! But, that's just me.
Light and bars look awesome!
those bars in the down position are incredible!! really sets it off!!
For a moment I thought I was looking at a flintlock pistol stock.
Love that pic.
Nice work on the paint details. They remind me a bit of MoFo.