Tank Bars and seat looking good, tank idea is great, I'd never have thought of that.

Tossing around the idea.Thanks Tommy, are you in on this build off with another one of your awe dropping bone sculptures? I love your builds.
So, Im curious, but how does a piece of PVC break into smithereens like that? Does the heating and bending of it really cause that much structural degregation ?
Hey Carlton, one of your Marin buddies (Jer) is buying the 37 Texas Special Colson from me.
I've been vacillating about the fork shared in the last photo ( a reversed style Girvin). I'm not sure if its compatible to the overall design with its slight forward pitch? But I do like how the suspension is tucked around, opening up the front part of bike. If I do decide to use it, I'll have to extend it's short neck to fit the frame.From destruction emerges a real cool tank/grill. I bet there will be an original fork system that will compliment the tank.
Love the tank grill panel idea, I think with a Higgins Beehive fork with a shiny chrome spring it would be a killer look.Let the spring mimic the look of the rounded grill.