Thank you everybody for the kind comments!
davy B: I wasn't sure how it would turn out to start with either, but I had an idea it would work and it did, and I'm happy with how it turned out! Yes, you should start playing with fiberglass!

So much that can be made from it...
deorman: Thanks! That's what it is!!
Half Link: Maybe it's due to my pieces being a whole lot smaller than your sidecar, which by the way is turning out nicer and nicer every time I check!! Feeling itchy? You kidding me?! It itches everywhere!! :lol: Looooots of sanding! I'm lucky to be able to go down to the lake and wash the worst off when the ithcing gets too bad! But I found that instead of sanding everything down to a perfectly smooth surface right away, I sand it down just to get the worst high spots down and then I apply another coat of polyester resin. Then when that has cured I sand it down smooth (it might take yet another coat of resin sometimes...). Easier to sand polyester than fiberglass and it doesn't itch as badly, AND no need for body filler!!!
Here's some more progress:
I'd have a hard time trying to drill a hole with this since there's nowhere to plug it in!
Enter ancient technology!
Drilled two holes for the attachment of the led circuit in the reflector cup.
Plexi for the head light:
Drilled holes for threaded rivets.
The tool for those rivets.
Rivets in place.
Decided to make the chainguard from fiberglass too. Here's the cardboard templates taped together.
Fiberglassed front.
Fiberglassed back.
Also started on the rear lights. Yep, there'll be two of them...with fins on!!
Now I'll head back into the wild and continue sanding.

I'll be back with updates soon!