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Galtbacken said:
... she said "I want to have the coolest bike in Gothenburg" and I've tried my best ...

Not that I've ever seen other bikes from Gothenburg... but I'm sure that this is a 'mission accomplished' :wink:
Great bike, congratulations!!

Thank you so much everybody! I take off my hat and bow down deep too you guys! I'm really glad you like it! :D
I'm sorry I haven't had the time lately to check out all the other builds that has been going on as much as I would have liked to. I'll try to better myself on that account now that the rush to get this bike finished is over. :D
Thanks again for taking your time to watch and comment on this build!!

g-ratter said:
The question now is "Can you top it?"

Oh, I dunno!! :D But I promise that my next build will be different from this. I'll try my best to not repeat myself...check out the scratch built section whydontcha... :wink:
You proved the building skills of the Swedes again. Some 20 years ago,I went to Sweden a couple of times for a holiday (on my H-D) and the things they built there, were amazing. Like just now. Good job, bro ! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Ah, you've found it! :mrgreen: Thanks buddy, it's good to hear you like it! I'm really happy with the shape of that headlight! Making that gave me a whole bunch of ideas for making other things from fiberglass. :)
Let me know what type of foam did you use...Is that self spading one that comes in a can?
Nice technique of applying more resin and sanding, looks really smooth. Hope I can give it a try soon!
It's foam sealant that comes in a can and I bought it a a store that sells building supplies (house building), and it expands as it dries. Here's a link to the one I used: http://www.byggmax.com/se-sv/Prod/PID-18105.aspx I know it's a Scandinavian store, but I thought it could maybe be helpful to see what kind of can to look for in your stores. :)
Yeah it worked well to apply a sanding coat of resin! Gave a smooth surface and no fiberglass dust while sanding it. :)
It's called "spray foam" any home depot Lowes ect. should have it. It's an expanding foam that comes in a spray can, it's function is for insulating purposes you spray it into gaps or cracks to stop drafts. A clever use of it Galtbacken, your work w/ fiberglass is nice too.
Excellent! Here goes by a more technique name, "poliuretano expandible" "expandable polyurethane foam". The idea of using it had crossed my mind in the past, but wasn't sure if it would melt or not in contact with the resin. Was palning to use that blue foam on my next creation, but now that you have enlightened us Galt, I´ll sure use the can. :wink:

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