Congratulations to Jane says who also took out the first place in my "Best Ladies Frame" category.
A double winner.
A double winner.

I was having a hard time with this one Ren Man. There were some really good pix. My favorites were; 1,4,13,23,39,49,52,56,60,63 and 69. I can see why 39 has the most votes, I like the thought behind it and even the idea that there might be a woman skinny dipping helps also.I just think there needed to be a little more light
on the bike. I ended out going with #56 MotoDromo. I like the height of the camera shot, the 3/4 view of the bike really shows it off great and jasper87 must know a little something about photography since he stood back from the bike and zoomed in on it to make the bike the focal point while slightly blurring the background. I just can't believe he only has one vote. Oh well. I also really liked #60 Quasimoto. That's a really neat shot.