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Might fit apes yet but next priority is better pedals then thickslick tyres and lights.
Quiet here lately, any updates I need my felt fix? Also, has anyone ever fitted apehangers on a deep 6 frame? I maybe getting some custom apes for my Baron in a few weeks made up and I have seen them on an El Guapo etc but I want the deep 6 frame in particular for aesthetic reasons as I am unsure if it will make it cool and uncluttered or too busy!
I just acquired this 2014 Felt El Guapo.
You know, I wasn't looking for a 1903 at the time. It came up available and I just jumped on it. I'll have to see the condition of the paint, maybe new color? I'll just have to wait and see once I get it. I've heard nothing but good things about the aluminum frame.
I have a question for you knowledgable Felt guys, did Felt make 2 different Aluminum 1903 frames? I see some with the weld on top of the tank, and some that seam to be formed with no weld. Inquiring minds want to know! Does it matter?
Is the earlier 1903 considered a Slater frame? I have seen that style with a weld bead on top of the tank, and I have seen it with no weld. just formed without the weld, did they make the Slater frame both ways? I have seen the 1903 with the Slater style frame with and without the weld. I really noticed it on the motorized 1903 when they use them for the gas tank. they were smooth on top, no weld. then I see them with the weld line down the length of the top of the tank. they looked original, so it doesn't appear they grounded the weld down. I'm just curious, mine has the weld down the top center of the aluminum tank. I don't think they used steel frames for the built in gas tanks did they?