Hey Joe, with those thick banana seats, if you got a sprung sissy bar....that should be a real cush ride!
Now that's an idea! I probably wouldn't get off on the bike if I had that setup
Hey Joe, with those thick banana seats, if you got a sprung sissy bar....that should be a real cush ride!
I ride a Jeepney once or twice a day here. There are millions of them, most have 4 banger diesels and can get a little smoky, but for about 35 cents, you hop on anywhere by holding out your hand, they stop, you get in and hand your pesos to the next passenger who then passes it forward. The driver asks where to?, and your change gets passed back to you. When you want off, just tap the roof a couple times and they stop right where you want to go. They usually have music playing and there's usually plenty of lively conversation going on, as they hold about 20-25 people. And you can bring your groceries or whatever with you, sometimes live chickens or small dogs are riding too. You never have to wait longer than a minute for one to come along. That's why I don't need a car here.
So true! I really don't understand why most locals would want to own a car when there are thousands of jeepneys, buses, tricycles and pedicabs in the city. Gas prices are off the roof, city roads are not that well-maintained nor well-planned (...well in my city, Barry is lucky because Subic is awesome!) and a lot of them don't even have their own garage!
Just ask the man that owns a 1911. Some are good some not so but with work they can be good. Rock Island is good one.![]()
They still make these WWII items in the Philippines. Our old tooling maybe. The Rock Island .45 is supposed to be a .... good 1911a.
They still make these WWII items in the Philippines. Our old tooling maybe. The Rock Island .45 is supposed to be a .... good 1911a.
I like the hot rod jeep with the red primer roll bar. Even though it has only one seat, I know a dozen people cruise around in that thing.
The owner jeep name came from the status of having your own jeep. You were the owner of it, it set you above the crowd. I have a lot of older Pinoy friends who know all the stories and background on many things.
They still make these WWII items in the Philippines. Our old tooling maybe. The Rock Island .45 is supposed to be a .... good 1911a.
Make no mistake the Rock Island 1911 is no Kimber. It is also about $7-800 less money or a little more than half the price. They do exactly what you want your 1911 to do. They simply run through round after round. Old tooling is sometimes the best tooling.