First project--Murray faux Spacerat (new pics 3/27)

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Re: First project--Murray faux Spacerat (updated 3/8)

Spent the whole night strapping an "Electrolux" and a "Kirby" to one of mine, didn't look nowhere as cool as yours! :lol:
Re: First project--Murray faux Spacerat (updated 3/8)

Little bits of progress... think I got a line on a 3-speed coaster hub for this, and I think I got a front for the tank. i also have the add-on rack piece UNDER the top of the rack, so it looks more like part of the rack. I'm away in NY visiting family for the holidays, pics when I get back...

thanks to those that like the vacuum pieces. I'm trying to come up with a way to name it and tie that into the name without making it too obvious... like Strato-Lux or something...

Re: First project--Murray faux Spacerat (updated 3/8)

I think you should try to merge this bike and vacumn. You wouldn't even have to rename it...


Re: First project--Murray faux Spacerat (updated 3/8)

sking1973 said:
Are you using Dust-Buster parts for your tank and luggage rack?
Dang I wanted to be the observant one and reveal that first... once I noticed I quickly read the rest of the post crossing my fingers but alas I saw this.
Enough about that this is a cool looking bike and I love the D-Buster parts... gives it an original look and I imagine that after a coat or two of rattle can you won't be able to tell that it once "sucked".
Although if it's not me someone will be using this idea.
Re: First project--Murray faux Spacerat (updated 3/8)

ParkRNDL said:
Little bits of progress... think I got a line on a 3-speed coaster hub for this, and I think I got a front for the tank. i also have the add-on rack piece UNDER the top of the rack, so it looks more like part of the rack. I'm away in NY visiting family for the holidays, pics when I get back...

thanks to those that like the vacuum pieces. I'm trying to come up with a way to name it and tie that into the name without making it too obvious... like Strato-Lux or something...


It's the extremely rare MOON-DUST, but don't confuse it with the equally as rare STAR-BUSTER :lol:
Re: First project--Murray faux Spacerat (updated 3/8)

KOTA said:
It's the extremely rare MOON-DUST, but don't confuse it with the equally as rare STAR-BUSTER :lol:

Ya know, I think I kinda like that... the Moondust one. Make up a phony headbadge that says Lux Cycles or Hoover Cycle Co. or somesuch... maybe Kirby Cycles or Eureka Cycles. Then make up a graphic for the guard and maybe the tank that says Moondust in some 60's type scripty font. At one point I was kinda thinking of using the name Starliner and copying the Starliner script from a 1960 Ford, but Moondust would look good in that font also. I dunno if StarBuster would work... hmmmm.....

some updated pics in a few minutes, I hope...

Re: First project--Murray faux Spacerat (updated 3/8)

Here's some pics of the new front I made for the tank and of the reconfigured rack. Tank first...




I'll probably find some kind of grille to put over the front of it, maybe make up one of the aforementioned headbadges to stick in the middle of the grille. I also mentioned lifting the simple tank stripe design on cman's Butchered Bantam... i think that might look good on this "tank". Anybody guess what the white piece started out life as?

Here's the rack:


The extra piece (the Dustbuster wall mounting bracket) has no purpose other than to give me some surface to paint the same color as the tank, so this thing can have a matching tank, rack, and guard like the oldies. I think I need to extend the back of the rack to put some kind of reflectors on it.

here's the big picture:



In the process of getting that S/A 3-speed coaster hub, and I'm considering trying Hugo's tutorial on lacing a wheel...


(edit: dang, i gotta try shrinking my pics a little before uploading...)
My 3-speed coaster hub from Memory Lane came in the mail the other day, w00t! It's a '71 Sturmey Archer S3C, and I dropped it off at my LBS today to let them lace it into the 24" MTB wheel I have... thought about trying it myself, but I got cold feet...



I tried bolting just the hub into the dropouts and spinning the sprocket while I pulled the chain out slowly just to see if all 3 gears worked. You can really see how much 1st reduces the ratio and 3rd increases it when you watch the spoke holes in relation to the teeth on the sprocket. I had a hard time finding 2nd... they ain't kidding when they said that S/As are finicky about adjustments. And that dead spot between 2nd and 3rd... yowza...

cman said:
I dunno about the white piece but what is the collection cup(clear) on the bottom?

Those old Dustbusters are known for leaking oil......or it is just sitting there to hold it up for mock up. :wink:
lookin sweet. if you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for your SC3 hub? You can send me a PM if you don't want the world to know. :wink:
mwaaa ha ha. yeah, the clear plastic thing is a baby food container stuck in there to hold it up for pictures.

the hub was $20 plus shipping. I emailed Lisa at Memory Lane to ask if they had a 28 hole s3c, and it sounded like she happened to have it sitting right there. I thought I was gonna have a hard time finding a 28 hole hub, but there it was...


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