First Ride in 50+ years: 2023 Update

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Re: First Ride in 50+ years: FIL eats cake

Been loving the thread Steve, for some reason when you put "eats cake" after "FIL" - "FIL" becomes "first in line" in my head :lol:
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: FIL eats cake

The marathon sounds like a bucket item check off OR the start of a new passion. Good job for all, shows you can have your cake and eat it to.
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: Chilling Out

Thanks all you guys!! :D
My wife was having kinda rough week after the marathon
She was in physical recovery mode and on an anticlimactic downturn
She read your all responses and gives a heartfelt "Thanks" and it boosted her up :D

Thanks Luke!
Thanks Kevin, running is not for everyone, hopefully you get some fall rides in
Thanks Jerry. Cool youtube channel you got going!

Great response Justin! Thing is, she better at massage than I am :lol:
Very cool that your wife is training for 10 miles :shock: :D
It's great that you did a 5k! Good to try and decide whether its your thing or not
Riding is really fun too, I like both

Thanks Gary! Yeah just getting out and enjoying what you do is the best
Yeah, comment when/if you feel like it, I'll be here :lol:

Thanks Nick!!

CCR, Glad your liking it :D "First In Line" is too funny
My wife says that fits FIL to a "T" :lol:

Hey MadzaFlyer, it was definitely a bucket list thing
She realizes now not only how much effort and mental fortitude but TIME it takes to train
She says she's going for shorter races now, like more half marathons and 10Ks
And everyone got cake too :lol:

Alright, so last Sunday was a beautiful day even though on the cool side (~45F)
Tried to switch it up again so Fil and me rode our bikes to Denny's for Burgers

The trees are turning colors nicely and it looked great
Got to enjoy it before we hit the grey of winter...

Nice and sunny!

Felt a bit bad while we were waiting cause FIL got stuck in a loop
He mentioned at least 5X that the diner across the street closed down...
looked forward to eating to refocus and his funny pose (yes, that's subtle humor to him)

Headed to DQ and there was lots of bikes there!
FIl actually said he only wanted a small sundae :shock: :lol:

Saw this cool 65 Austin Healy

We headed to our river road route and stopped for a quick pic
You can see the colors reflecting off the river in the background
Was going to ride farther for a few nicer shots but I saw that FIL was shivering
I said, Are you cold? he said No Kidding!
Thought I dressed him warm enough but when not in the sun it was chilly

So we headed home and did a few runny nose stops
Not sure if we will be riding too much more
Lots of the leaves came down this week and they're wet
Plus we have 1" of accumulating snow forecast for Sunday :shock: :roll:

So goes it in Minnesota... we'll figure some others things to do now
Want to get together with FIL's brother again soon

We had a good time (up until the shivering started)
Thanks for looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: Chillin' Out

I REALLY hope that this is not the end of your adventures and pictures until Spring! :D

But you have to think of his safety in the cold and snow and all that you guys live with.

I'll be watching -- best thread on RRBs IMHO!
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: Out and About

Yeah Luke, I think he struggles between more ice cream and warmth :lol:

Jerry, I'll probably keep posting our outings like last winter
As long as people find the non bike stuff entertaining
I'm going to try to think of some new things we can do too

Last Sunday (13Oct) was wet with snow/rain mix :roll:
After last year's wipeout in the wet leaves, riding didn't seem to be the best idea

Got a really nice gift card for my Bday from my StepSon
Thought we splurge on a nice restaurant; Longfellow Grill
FIL didn't notice that there was Chedder instead of American cheese :D
My food was super good, Margherita flat bread:
Cherry tomato, fresh mozzarella, balsamic syrup, arugula, avocados, basil MMMMM!

Had to stop at DQ and used the seat heater for FIL so he could stop shivering :lol:

So to get him out and to get some of my fall supplies bought
We went to the home supply store, Menards
Wow, they should have said SUPER store :shock:
I haven't been there before and I was lost instantly :lol:
The very long escalator to the massive second floor ended with a grand piano, fancy

Couldn't find a rake for the life of me and we wandered as long as I could keep FIL interested
Did get some stuff and FIL helped carry it, "Thanks" FIL

When we were going to Menards, FIL got really stuck in a loop :(
He said at least 8X about a particular "And I don't have to worry about..."
(I'll save you the gory details about what it was about)
And I tried several different things to get it off his mind, but they didn't work

So in the way home, I put on music in the car
I turned it up loud so he could really hear it (he's got hearing issues)
And it worked!! I think might be the music is "right now"
so it constantly feeds in new info
and he doesn't think about the worries (similar to riding)
I'm going to try it next week and see if it helps again
It must not be fun for him to keep feeling anxieties (or me either)
Maybe he's just too polite to interrupt, whatever works...

I think he had a good time, and I got some stuff done too :D
Thanks for looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: Out and About

You have a good helper, and I'm with Luke, going to raid the refrig after I hit send! :D

-=- FIL Fan -=- :D

Re: First Ride in 50+ years: Out and About

Been out of town and not checking in so just now trying to catch up on everything here at RRB. Congrats to you wife that is quite an accomplishment. Good to see you and FIL still out and about.
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: Driving in the Sun

Luke and Jerry, My job is done :lol:
Hope you two got some thing tasty...

Like the logo Jerry!
Yeah FIL likes to help and be involved :D

Thanks Randy and You've Really been out of town :shock: 8)
Sorry I've only got to peek where you went
Life's been a bit busy and I haven't quite caught up yet

Took a solo ride before last Sunday (27Oct) and the leaves were still tricky
So went to dinner and later for a drive

Had to try the new smokehouse sandwich, just okay...
I'll have to take FIL to Famous Dave's BBQ, Mmmm

The sunshine felt nice and warm so we ate outside at the DQ
Think he gets the Senior "Especially-Big Medium" sundae sometimes :lol:

Drove for a bit ride and missed riding it , FIl seemed to enjoy the view over the bridge

Opened the sunroof and turned on the heated seats, FIL had no complaints :lol:
Tried a shot of how people were enjoying the River Road

Decided to try one of the parks, Hidden Falls
Drove down there and some Halloween event was getting ready
They were flagging and waving to park cars, so I let them :?

It was still setting up so we walked down to the river
and watched the dogs in the huge dog park (across the river) having a blast, FIL was laughing
Tried to take a low light shot that didn't work too well, FIL's getting used to me go "Smile"

Headed home because it was getting cold without the sun
BTW: the music seems to help so I happy about that :D
Now all I have to do is shut my mouth when it's playing :lol:

Think we both had a good time, getting some fresh air (was gloomy all week)
Thanks for looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: Driving in the Sun

Looks like FIL likes the car ride ... The sun sure does feel good.
Keep having fun!
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: The Brother eat

I think your right Skipton, FIL likes to ride around on the car and enjoy the sun :D

Finally got the Brother's together for Dinner (FILB and FIL)
Went to Outback Steakhouse to get some good chow

The conversation started slow but the the boys eventually got talking
Getting together must bring back stuff because FIL asks if FILB remembers the farm
And FILB says he just had a dream last night about it
Cool to here some more of the old stories and good for them too

FIL got his Cheeseburger (with American :lol: ) but FILB and me had steaks Mmmm!

The brothers enjoyed each others company and we talked about holiday plans soon

Then FILB treated us to DQ, Thanks!

I think they had a good time reminiscing and just getting out and about
Thanks for looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: health hiatus

I'll give you a break this week Luke :lol:

FIL is fine, I was getting some kinda cold bug last Sunday
So I decided not to "share the wealth" (of germs)
We'll do something this Sunday for sure

Here is a pic that I haven't posted of FIL following the pack at the Fall Ride

Thanks for looking
Re: First Ride in 50+ years: health hiatus

Had to play catchup on the thread.
Congrats to your wife on the marathon!!! BRAVO DOFIL!!
Glad the music helps with the loops.
Cool to see FILB again
Get well soon.
Thanks Jerry! Yes, I'm feeling somewhat better
Unfortunately it kinda seems like one goes and another comes :?

DOFIL says "Thanks!" Kingfish :D
The music isn't always 100% effective but it helps, yeah!

Thanks IIFIFM! He does love 'em :D
Veloster is doing pretty good
Like everything, it's a mixed bag, not top shelf quality but for the price...
Good mileage and power mix and I can really pack stuff in it
It turns some heads too :D. I like it

Alright so last Sunday 17Nov13 thought we should go look at some bikes
Stopped over at Sunrise Cyclery (where I got my Shelby for $20 last year)
FIL is doing his best Vanna White impression :lol:

We looked around and FIL didn't seem too bored
He says he really appreciates getting out and about during the winter months :D

Thought I'd post this one for the BMXers, seemed kinda unique (?)

I like the geeky humor of these guys :lol:

This bike looked interesting but not not quite enough for $309 :?: :lol:

They have a shop there where they teach/help people to fix bikes 8) 8)
Someone must have put this one together with all the parts laying around
I think the combo of ape hangers and tri bars is kinda interesting :lol:

Enough window shopping so we took off for Burgers and Malts
Snuffy's Malt shop has great food and fun atmosphere

I ordered a full size one for FIL and he could barely contain himself :lol:

Great burgers (mine was Bison Mmmm!) and fries (with some fries left for my wife)

Headed home really full, FIL had his hood up and shivering in the restaurant after the huge malt :lol:
Think we both had a good time. Bikes, Malts, and Burgers, hard to go wrong :D
Thanks for looking
Hey Mpls,

Just caught up on this thread a bit and I really love looking at all the images around Minneapolis. Makes me pretty nostalgic. Familiar sights and places. I can just about taste the burgers and malts at Snuffy's. (even though I was actually a St. Paul kid ;-))

Sigh... well I am I am a Nor Cal guy now. Getting away from those Minnesota winters was good for my health at any rate. I still get home sick for the Twin Cities some times though. Thanks for sharing!!


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