First Ride in 50+ years: 2023 Update

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I feel for all of my Northern friends. I just received an Extreme Cold Weather alert from our county emergency management agency. It is supposed to get all the way down to +20 degrees tonight. :cool:
Thanks Kingfish! Yeah I feel for the more Southern members when it gets sub zero up here because then it's cold, where it usually isn't down there. We are used to bundling up and staying put, but the snow storm in Atlanta must have been crazy...

Thanks so much RAK! I truly appreciate it. My Wife and Step Son do all the heavy lifting of FIL's care.
I just try to make his life a little less dull (which helps them too) and maybe help snap him out of some of his "loops" for a while.
I do enjoy our time together especially since my own parents are gone now.
It's great to have someone that really likes to ride and eat DQ with on a weekly basis too, LOL!
Glad you've joined up and am looking forward to reading your posts

We finally started to warm up in between subzero cold snaps Jerry. Thanks for staying tuned:)

DD, I didn't know you were a former Minnesotan :) and I completely understand about not missing the cold LOL. Also Thanks for your comments!

Yeah Skipton, you got some wild stuff too. I was surprised it went that far south ?!

Yeah Kevin, we got hit pretty bad (~-50F wind chill) but it's Jan in MN and we kinda expect it, just not as a continuing saga... sub zero again next week :mad:

Farah, I felt the same way as Skipton, 2F above seems so much warmer than -15F,
15F is just good winter weather up here LOL

Alright so enough jawwing, FIL and me finally got out last Sunday (12Jan14) and went to Famous Dave's BBQ. FIL wanted a Cheesburger (surprise surprise) and I had the "burnt ends" samich.
Mine was pretty good but not as good as my imagination had made it, gotta keep trying stuff...

FIL went a bit wild when he found out he could keep refilling his pop and drank a huge amount LOL
Had to eventually cut him off. He liked his burger (but took home half so he'd have room for DQ) and the fries were really good so I ordered another batch to take home for my wife

I tried to get him notice all the old stuff there to see if he remembered any of it,
He remembered candy bars for10 cents LOL

We headed off the the only open DQ and got some treats
I think I'm going to have to consider an non-cold alternative
He downed that sundae so fast I don't think he breathed, LOL

Then he starts going "Ohhh, Ohhh" and he must have had major brain freeze
He then started shivering and I suggested he put his gloves on and hood up
My Wife and me have tried to slow him down but it just doesn't work...

Then he says "Thanks... for getting me so cold" (very dryly sarcastic)
I said "I can arrange for that not to happen again" (obviously sarcastic)
FIL says "No that's okay, any time" LOL

So it's been warmer on the weekends at least and maybe we'll do something different today because it's in the 30's today (and sunny !!!), before were back in the deep freezer again this week

Thanks for Looking
Thanks Luke. I have to keep remembering (and hoping) that his humor is very dry LOL

Great One Kingfish! :rofl:

And thanks to DD and Pick, I'm starting to get used to the "likes" now

Well it was warmer again last Sunday (in between the sub zero mid week temps)

I can tell that FIL is getting "Cabin Fever" pretty bad. He said a few times that he used to like winter when he was younger. He'd go skating and skiing but now that he's old, he just sits and looks out the window and swears at it (usually followed with a bit of a laugh)

So we went to The Hub bike shop where my SIL gave me a gift certificate (Thanks!!)
FIL said "That's a LOT of bikes!" and I told him the were already stocking up for spring

FIL keeps looking at the Tandems but he said he doesn't want to rid one but I think they interest him


Did't find any thing I couldn't live without in the "junkyard" so we headed out.
Saw lots of kids sliding and FIL seemed to enjoy watching them.

After the previous week's "brain freeze" incident, I wanted to figure out how I could get him to slow down a bit so we went to Snuffy's Malt shop again where he can start on it but has to leave some for his burger (wink)

It seemed to work out and no problems this time,
he was a happy man (quick pic so excuse the OOF, LOL)

FIL liked his burger and strawberry shake. My fudge scotchie malt was Rockin' Good!!
Perfect with a bison burger. Plenty of fries to take home for my Wife too :)

So we are trying to keep getting out a bit each week and he still loves to shovel, so he's been getting that work out enough lately

Thanks for looking
Thanks RAK and Luke!

Well, we are continuing on our polar vortex plunges in Mpls and thought I'd switch up my time with FIL a bit
So we went for a late breakfast at Perkins before the the windchill dropped to -35F in the afternoon:eek:

I said we were getting pancakes then FIL said "How about waffles?" I said sure!

It only took a few seconds for him to decide whether he wanted just syrup or strawberries&whipped cream LOL

Had a nice time and chowed big time and we talked about the snow and cold of course
Lately we've been getting even more snow and it's piling up and a bit more difficult to get around but FIL is keeping his sidewalks shoveled nicely :)

Got FIL all snug and settled down for the cold day
Showed him how he could watch (from the window) the roofers working in the crazy weather
The Hispanic roofers working in the ~45F WC (25mph winds) later in the day made me feel like a wussie, WOW!

They say we got at least 2 more weeks of this stuff and then maybe we can get out without a little less pain involved. We've got at least 2 more months of snow so that part won't be going way for a while yet, but that's living in MN ;)

Thanks for Looking
Thanks DJ Bill!:) He has seen plenty of Surley Fat tire bikes around and he just laughs. I don't DQ could get a more happy endorsement from anyone other than FIL

Jerry, I guess I feel like less of a wuss myself now and more in admiration of them. We still have to deal with the mondo cold winter this year in our own ways. Getting used to at least -10F windchills every morning for ~2 weeks now doesn't mean we're tough, maybe just a bit nuts ;)

Randy they were amazing! The guy on the bottom would yell out something, then the guy on the peak would slide a shingle down to him like dealing a playing card ?!! The lower guy would air nail (can't believe that worked either) it in and repeat rapidly until they were done in several hours.

So last Sunday we celebrated my Step Son's Birthday. I made Parmesan Chicken and my wife bought some super good fancy cupcakes. Little Guy is getting so much taller now. FIL and me played some cards while we were hanging out.

FIL didn't have DQ but he inhaled a couple of the cupcakes

I'd like to ask a favor of you guys to keep my Step Son in your thoughts and prayers
We found out a day later that he is (was) very sick and he will be in the hospital for at least a month
He is in good hands now at the UofMN hospital and seems to be responding well to chemotherapy
They say it is very aggressive but also very treatable with a high success rate
He is in reasonably good spirits which is so important too
Thank You very much Jerry SR, Jerry KR, Diabolical Dork and Tater. We all really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot Kingfish! Hopefully all of you in Savannah made it okay thorough your 2nd winter storm this week.

First an update on my StepSon. I told him you guys were rooting for him and I think it helped his mood and he says "Thanks!"

He had a setback last week when one of the chemos almost failed his liver. They stopped that one and continued on the other and he recovered pretty well. He starts the second (arsenic-based) chemo again today so we'll see how that goes. His numbers are improving even without the 2nd one but very slowly. He is still in reasonably good spirits.

Not exactly the Valentines My Step Son and his Girlfriend were expecting yesterday

Little Guy and me played with the Legos (he quickly built, Wow, he's good!) while the grownups talked

So back to FIL and last Sunday. We went to Bridgeman's where he can have a shake WHILE he's eating his burger. You can see he has it half done just as he's getting his burger. Had to remind him a few times not to fill up on the shake because he had to eat all his burger. We had plenty of fries and half my Caramelicious malt left for my Wife. My Ruben was pretty tasty again.

Think we are finally past the bitter cold part of the winter now (it was below zero 17 days in a row ?!). I had to laugh when I read this MN Winter poem laminated and taped to the counter at the restaurant. You've just got to have a sense of humor about it or it's just too depressing LOL

Thanks for looking
Thanks Luke, Skipton and Kevin!

My Step Son is doing okay.
A few serious complications with different things but the doctor says he's improving and may not have to take the chemo for the full 28 days. He's in pretty good spirits.
Thanks for keeping in your thoughts and prayers :)

FIL and me went to try a different restaurant last Sunday, Culvers.
I had heard about their custard shakes so we got some burgers and shakes.
It was pretty good and FIL even ate some fries ?! LOL

FIL keeps mentioning how he would like to just sit out side with his dog. Unfortunately it will be a few months yet. So we headed off to do a few errands and get him out of the house for a while (even if it the wind chill was below zero, brrrr). Headed to Home Depot to get some stuff. We had to stop by the paint section so I could look at the rattle can colors they have for some upcoming builds


FIL was more interested in making his shoes squeak on the wet floor, LOL

Stopped in a REI to look at winter coats on Clearance (my wife suggested;)).
Got a shot of FIL by the 40' high climbing "walls".
He was pretty amazed people actually climbed up them

We had to take a look at the bikes first.
FIL saw the top tube feature and said "That's so you don't hurt your ---- when you step down" LOL

Saw this Charge Cooker Maxi bike for the first time. It was pretty cool, a little more stylish.
It was a display for a bike carrier to haul your fat tire bike, they must be getting pretty popular.
I told FIL that the bike was "only" $1600 and he said "Might as well buy a car" LOL

Found a good place for him to hang out while I shopped.
It was nice to have a warm fireplace for the waiting people

Think FIL had his fill of being out and about so we headed home.

Amazingly we have got huge amount of snow this week and he is doing fine with all the shoveling.:)

Thanks for looking
As the updates.

Have a hard time not thinking that your FIL's name is Phil though. :21:

Praying for your stepson!