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Sep 1, 2009
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Tampa FL
Rating - 0%
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another variation of the Murray space / flight bikes?

Pretty much has an identical frame to my other Murrays...however, it does not have a serial numberim the same location as my other 2 mid-6o's Murrays. There is a sticker near the bottom of the seat tube that says "made in austria" that looks old & original.


so there was a murray factory in Austria???

I don't think this is a Murray, I have 2 step-through Murray's, and this has a much beefier frame.
Fleetwing was made by Cleveland Welding Company back in the day but later on in the century, I have no clue what went on. My dad has one "Made in Western Germany."

I would LOVE to find this frame/tank in a 24", the curve on those lower seat stays.......nice.
It looks middleweight, but it will take a 2.125 width tire and still be able to run the fenders?


Dr. T
Fleetwing was just a retail outlet & sold bikes made by many bicycle makers. I would say by the 3 peice crank that that one is an import.Def not Murray built!
Fleetwing was a retail outlet?

Do you mean it was the name of an actual brick & mortar store? Or does that term have a different meaning in the bike retail world of which I am unaware?

Just making sure I understand what you mean.
pjc5150 said:
Fleetwing was a retail outlet?

Do you mean it was the name of an actual brick & mortar store? Or does that term have a different meaning in the bike retail world of which I am unaware?

Just making sure I understand what you mean.
Yes it was a automotive tire store i belive kinda like western auto stores that sold car parts and many other things.

So, I guess Murray built the vast majority of the department store "space / flight" bikes, but there were other back-up suppliers that they might turn to, perhaps during times of peak demand or limited supply (or they didn't like Murray's sales rep)?
You mean like this one?

Friend found it last week...



Made by the same company and same as a bike I had last year badged as "OLYMPIC"... note the Olympic rings on the seatpost.

It's a 24x1.75 ladies and made in Germany. Very odd bike. Early '60s.


Dr. Tankenstein said:
I would LOVE to find this frame/tank in a 24", the curve on those lower seat stays.......nice.
It looks middleweight, but it will take a 2.125 width tire and still be able to run the fenders?


Dr. T
Spent a good part of the day cleaning her up & trying to make her pretty again. It's my buddy's girl's bike, so she'll be pretty stoked.

This is definitely from KTM Austria. In 1964/65 KTM produced about 40.000 bicycles for U.S. market. Before that, they only have produced motorcycles since 1953. So we can say that FLEETWING bikes are the first KTM bicycles. It would be interesting if there are a lot of KTM FLEETWING bikes in the U.S.
