some new pics
here is a "donor" bike that will be helping me with this contest build and another build, an old one, but her parts will be going to some very cool bikes!!!
here is yours truly doing more sanding, NEVER AGAIN!!! bmx frames are fairly quick and easy, this is my first 26" frame build, and my first cantilever frame build, next time its off to the sandblaster for sure!!!!
here is the profile of the front end, i really like this stem, its from an older road bike but it looks cool w/ this monarch repro springer fork that i got from hooch (thanx!) the head tube on this frame is about 1/2" too long, this pic is at the mock up where i discovered that problem, so ill be feeding it to a table top cut off wheel next chance i get. there is also a very cool bracket that i have that i want to use to mount some lights to so i need to make room for that too.
here i played w/ some different looks, ill prolly go with the black mini apes with the road bike stem from the pic above of the front end w/out handlebars. there's already a few board track lookin front ends in the contest, plus i like apes better anyway! one more thing to sand and paint!!!!
well, thats all for now, i have more mock up for other parts to do before i take it back apart for surgery and paint, so ill get those pics up when i get a chance. my gramma is comin into town for a week so i wont get much done till next, but ill be itchin for sure!!! fast eddie outty