How important is it to use original (era) parts for restorations? I am working on a '67 Breeze for a co worker and she needs a new front axle and cones. Everything else looks fine. Is it cool to use aftermarket parts in this case or try to find an axle set from that time? The axle is actually stamped -
Schwinn Approved
- which is so cool.
And as far as my project is concerned, how bad is it to repaint a frame? I saw something on here about a place that sells the original Schwinn colors (or used to anyway). Would something like that be cool or should I try to restore the paint as much as possible? Or just match the color as best as I can?
Schwinn Approved
- which is so cool.
And as far as my project is concerned, how bad is it to repaint a frame? I saw something on here about a place that sells the original Schwinn colors (or used to anyway). Would something like that be cool or should I try to restore the paint as much as possible? Or just match the color as best as I can?