Gcrank's 'Flat Out Racing-Gravity Works For Me'

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I just didnt like the MkII version bar setup.....so I went with a cutdown 'moon' bar for a simple arc with the ends dropped almost straight down (a Fast Eddie kinda bar :wink: ) on an inverted 4.5" stem.
I dont know if my old, bad knees can take kneelers.......
Update: I couldnt stand the suspense; I slammed the original OCC saddle and with the rearsets I can stretch out on the toptube; my knees run about even with the bottom tube; it looks and feels like a go.......

Morph, MkIII
Finally got another couple of runs in on different hills. I thought I could get more out of the new one than the 35.....
Went back to the last hill and ran another 45mph (paced by pickup) and it felt sweet; Morph and I are ready to go take on a new monster hill on my list.
Strange, but my wife asked about my Life Insurance and said she wont go to the new hill with me...........something about me lookin' too scary....but hey, Halloween is coming!
gcrank1 said:
I just didnt like the MkII version bar setup.....so I went with a cutdown 'moon' bar for a simple arc with the ends dropped almost straight down (a Fast Eddie kinda bar :wink: ) on an inverted 4.5" stem.
I dont know if my old, bad knees can take kneelers.......
Update: I couldnt stand the suspense; I slammed the original OCC saddle and with the rearsets I can stretch out on the toptube; my knees run about even with the bottom tube; it looks and feels like a go.......

Morph, MkIII

what size fork is that?
i never thought a normal fork could work on a stingray occ without a 24 to 26 front wheel :shock:
I believe it is a cheap MTB fork (decal says 'MoZo) for a 26". It goes 10" from the axle center to the brake arm stud, but I have no brakes (and really would like to have some up there) to see just where the pad would end up on a rim to know for sure. Of course, a 20" wheel/hub/axle bolts right in. I did not what to use the offset for rake stock front end for higher than bicycle speeds.
Well, Ivan, you know you can get at least 45mph out of one...........we could have our own 'class', Downhill Choppers :D
Thanx for that ISO adapter link, I had not been aware of them. If the big V-brake on the back didnt work so well I would think about putting a disc back there and with a replacement narrow rear wheel might be just the thing for an ISO male hub. I dont think any rearhub located to front would work to disc it, I cant spread those fork legs.
For those who were following these posts I want you to know I didnt crash&burn, just had a miserable spring and summer last. Doc said things like 'COPD and/or walking pneumonia'.......started March 2013 and only got better in Sept. with some Urgent Care visits in between. Then it was rainy and switched to ugly hot. My best ride was the easy chair near the air conditioner. Sorry to say, no downhill runs at all.
But, Im back, feeling 'normal' (dont say it) and just in time for winter lay-up here. Ive got the basement workshop getting sorted out to do some bike work and looking forward (rather than straight up from 6 feet down :D ).
One of the things about the basic' g-bike as I made it is that it's still kinda small for a big guy, and big guys should be able to do g-runs too! Since there are no 'sanctioned' runs hereabouts then the 'rules' are really only guidlines......Im thiinking about doing a g-runs on a bigger frame 'classic' frame and even leaving the crankset, just lower bars and slam the saddle for the run. You know, more like we did as kids, and anybody can play. You should consider a good front brake (just in case???) and the rear may get overheated, like back in the early klunker days, and fade ala 'Repack' (Im lusting for a set of disc brakes).
So....come on all......find some hills this year and make some runs, post your story and pics here and lets 'keep it rollin'.
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We got no hills to speak of here... a couple of highway overpasses I can think off where a little used road goes over a major route... and a couple of decent inclines over the railway... just enough to see what a bike could do... if and when I build one, I'm gonna have to travel to make it really roll.
Need to mount a GPS on that thing so you can get a top speed reading.

Should try some of the St Croix River bridge hills between MN and Wisc.
I cant go anywhere now without looking at the grades and runs that could be possible! There is one over by La Cresent,MN that comes down a loonnngggg hogback, c/w some turns that would be great except for the stop at the highway in a T (have visions of me smoking the brakes, launching between a car and semi and off into the river bottom marsh.....).
Hey you know what? We're all (recent posters...) here in the midwest (cept' Luke) maybe in the spring we can go meet at gcranks hill... I could get there in three maybe four hours... I'm only 60 miles south of Chicago...
Right now I'm dreamin' I haven't even built my bike yet, but... What do you guys think?

Thinking you need to get some disk brakes on the front at least. Rim rubbers are just going to melt at that speed.

By the way sent you a PM about a larger frame idea.
Skinnier tires and weld that front to the frame, you'll get more speed and be steadier.

And I warn you, if you try a longboard, you'll get addicted to it. :crazy:

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