geared vs single speed which do you prefer

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yeah i kinda like that automatic hub i didn't know those existed.
the only reason i dislike geared bikes is the shifting so an auto hub would be perfect
another reason i love this site im always learning new things i didn't know
I just checked the reviews and they are even cheaper on Amazon right now w free shipping. The one with coaster brake is less than 65 bucks.
I hate cables, so I stick to a single speed. I would be ok with a two speed auto though, may have to check that out.
Good info. I saw those hubs before in pics, didn't know they were automatic. If I ever see one, I'll buy it. Either version as they are rare, made only a few years.

Torpedo Duomatics are kickback hubs.... you backpedal to switch gears. The Torpedo Automatic is the same centrifugal auto that the new SRAMs have. The Duomatic is pretty easy to find if you try; Automatics from the 60s are kinda rare. Some folks complain about the shift point for the Automatix; SRAM describes it as shifting according to speed, but it really shifts depending on RPMs, so it shifts differently on a 20" than it does on a 700c. A lot of ppl seem to think it shifts kinda early You can monkey around with an internal spring to change the shift points... there's a tutorial out there if ya Google it....
I live in a very hilly area, and still only ride SS. Some hills tire me out, but I figure I'll do better each time until none of the hills are a problem. If it is an extreme hill I just ride as hard as I can until I have to jump off and walk it. I did just get a prewar with a Bendix 2-spd kickback. I've been enjoying that quite a bit. I had one before but it was a Schwinn wheel I threw on something just to ride for a while. I think it was an s-7 or something and I got rid of it. I've never seen a need for more than 3 gears though. It kind of just makes sense: a gear for flat, one for a slight hill, one for a steep hill. But for now one gear works. I do have different ratios on my bikes though. So if I want an easier ride that day, I take a bike with a closer ratio.
I don't have a real preference, I like both. I ride geared bikes a bit more than my single speeds but there are a lot of hills and gravel roads to contend with here. Plus I'm not in the greatest shape anymore due to health issues. So for a longer ride with hills and gravel I prefer some gears. Shorter rides I tend to use a single speed or a 3 speed IGH bike. In recent years I've become fond of the 3 speed IGH's and I now have more of them than derailleur bikes. Those 2 speed hubs interest me as well and I would like to try one someday.
I think I pretty much reserve gears for more difficult/longer rides, and prefer single for casual/brief jaunts. (But I'm looking forward to riding on a 2speed kickback for cruising, too. Building a bike or two that're set up like that....) If I'm riding alone, I'm likely to pick a singlespeed; if I'm riding with others, I tend to choose whatever they're using, b/c I don't want to holdthem up or drop'm or anything...
i ride only single speead bike & i just pick a bike that ca be ridding for more tha a mile , they don't weigh me down on hills
I prefer single speed bikes because I like my bikes clean and simple as possible and they fit my current riding style. I rode a cruiser with two speed kick back for years but found I rarely needed the lower gear. Neck injuries ended road biking so single speed cruisin is good for me!
I like to go fast, thus my bikes are usually built for speed in mind. I prefer my beach cruisers to be single speed.
I like internal gear hubs, particularly Sturmey Archer stuff. You can customize the cog easily and get decent gear ratios with some tinkering. They've also improved their 3 speed coaster brake hubs quite a bit over the years.

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