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cliff - we miss the boat on that one!

I agree... a PDX RRB meet is in order??, would be a cool.
maybe set something up on sat. in the afternoon?
So I know this in an old post but I was thinking about that pick today. I was there within the first week it was posted on CL and was blown away. It was the kind of experience that it is so overwelming on where to start that I was in a cold sweat. When I arrived there were 2 others guys picking the place over then he offered anyone to come check out the good stuff in the basement. I remember walking along a trail of junk and tools in a dark shop towards a faint glow of light coming from the very back of the room. There I remeber seeing rows of old bicycles, mainly girls bikes with tanks, a dozen cantilever boys bikes of various brands, and a corner of really old bikes, including an Ivor Johnson Trust bike (not very correct, but still cool sto see). As more people showed up there were deals being made on old radios to old wooden wheels (the wheels were hiding in a corner of the shop). I decided to start getting serious as the real bike collectors started showing up. One of which boasted that it was his second trip, the "Good stuff" he said, was already gone. I started taking a nervous mental inventory of the bikes piles and seeing which ones I wanted to take (I have a small car). I knew that if I didn't start soon, a budy of mine and his freind may show up soon snagging the good stuff as well. I know there was also alot of junk as well. The piles were hard, because you could see hints of treasure deep underneath, but it was burried by 20 murray 70's girls bikes no one really wants. I thought of snagging one of the rows of Muscle bikes, knowing I could easily make a profit from one of my muscle bike fanatics.

I ended up making a deal on one the the nice bikes in the basement and a pile of bikes I had found outside. He lowerd the price on the JC HIggins colorflow so as long as I took atleast a carfull of bikes from the "yard." I got a 50's western flyer straightbar, an old early century mystery bike, a early 60's spaceliner (almost complete), a pile of sears spyder frames, some wheels, and some handlebars.

BTW the Colorflow is a girls that I bought for me wife to ease her frustration as I dragged more "junk" home.
The bike on the right was my prize.

The stuff beind the orange bike is all the stuff from the "yard"
I regret getting the purple "Huffy Slingshot," the really rusty Hiawatha with the nice badge, and the 20 and 24 inch balloon tire bikes mixed in with the muscle bike row (near the shed).

My buddy, who likes pedal cars, found some pedal cars and old wagons in the blackberry bushes near the fence. He had to work pretty hard. His buddy bought most of the cruisers (some of which I thought were to far gone) underneath the white tarped garage.

I usually go to the Iron Ranch, but skipped it over that year because better bargain were had in Aurora. My buddy went to the Iron Ranch and saw some of the same stuff from Erics Bike shop but not for bargain prices of course.

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