Spent some time this morning on the computer looking at the angles of the front end and realised that doing a leading link on this with the curved forks (as opposed to the straight ones on the Henderson) will most likely give me some negative trail...
But doing it as trailing link will give me some inches of positive trail. (I think I have that right... correct me if I am wrong)
This is the first time I have worked with this type of fork setup, so any advice would be appreciated... and contemplated
I think the leading link looks better except for the large space between the tyre and down tube. The Henderson has a much smaller space there which is closer to what the trailing link will give. The Henderson apparently had a wheelbase of 165cm and my drawing measures 170cm as is with the leading link. The trailing link will shorten it a bit but I can gain some length elsewhere I think... yes I want it at least as long as the original
What do you folks think... leading or trailing link?
More to come...
04/01/2014 - continued
Boy oh boy... a lincoln toy! It is hard work cutting metal with a blunt hacksaw blade on a hot 'n' humid day without any good clamps or a vice... but I managed to do some and do another lay up...
As you can see, the frame has already gotten slightly longer than the drawing. I suspect a lot of to-ing and fro-ing will be required before any welding is administered.
I am happy with how it is going so far though... except for slightly annoying thing that happened. I was outbid on Trade Me on a headlight that would have been perfect... it was very similar to the one in the Henderson photo... oh well, guess I'll be making one of those too