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Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Madison Heights Michigan
Rating - 0%
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I want to thank emanon for spotting it for me.. Seriously dude, i would have never seen it if it wernt for you... I wanna thank everyone for helping me keep hope.. And steve man, Im sorry for my stupid post with me swearing... You have given me so many chances thank you Guys I love ya ur all like family... And if it wernt for all of u, My bike wouldnt be in the garage locked to the work bench... :D IM SO HAPPY.. Now for the story..

I come home from school today, Go on computer listenin 2 some guns n roses look at the old CL Post emanon showd me and my bikes gone.. I think oh no ill never see her again, I Called police and their detective never showed up, And they wonder why kids dont like cops, Where are they when we need them? Anyway so i log into ratrodbikes and i have 1 new message.. I read it and Emanon sends me another message saying, "Look man another CL Post" so i look yeah. Mom dad come home from doctors i go out and tell them.. We wernt gonna do nothing i was gonna call but i dont got a cell phone and i was afraid that if i called the number it would be 1 of my ""Friends"" who stole it and go hide it, So anyway were all in truck and i see my huffy in the driveway, I say shoot, i better put that away last thing i need is that 2 get stolen. So i get out and put it away angry as heck.. My neighbor Jerry comes down the street, I flag him down, i say Jerry call this number.. So he calls

"Hello, Um im calling about ur post on Craigslist about the 65 Stinger? i think it is.Can we come see it?" Guy says, "Oh hello, Where u from?"
Jerry says "West bloomfield" Quick thinker, The guy gives us his name and adress and off we goto the guys house. So were driving down the street looking for the adress right, I see the bike!! My heart skips a beat i like jump out the truck and start inspecting it.. Its mine, So i tell the guy and he was cool about it, He baught it at the flea market for 25 dollars. He was quick 2 give it up, which was odd.... Anyways I GOT HER BACK! Heres how she came home.


Im making this my build bike, So steve could u please delete my other post? THANKS GUYS YOU ROCK! AND EMANON! THANKS AGAIN IF IT WERENT FOR U I WOULDNT HAVE EVER FOUND IT!!!

I got the bike 90 percent done, Its rideable it needs some detailing and paint work. But yeah. WOOT IM SO HAPPY!!!!
RIGHT ON !!!!!!! :mrgreen: I've never recovered a stolen bike before. You two must belong together.