GUMBY RUMPUS***** Crossed the FINISH line!!

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Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Thinking Cap Time.....

LukeTheJoker said:
What a shame about that extinguisher! :?
Hope you find something else nice...


Funkme said:
Here is a little read on your extinguisher...I thought considering it was used once,in the past,Thought to do a bit of research...
Maybe with gloves and a mask,you could go to a remote location dig a hole,and let it rip...Better to b a empty bottle than a full one....

outskirtscustoms said:
Do NOT drink, inhale, or bathe in the stuff. :lol:

kim_dude said:
Try contacting your city and see if they will accept it through their hazardous waste program.

Thanks so much everyone! :mrgreen:
I think I am going to shelf the extinguisher idea and move on to PLAN B for the battery hidey hole. I have a few ideas......
I just hope it still has the same cool factor 8)

Stay tuned ......
Gotta work today so I wont get any tinker time :|
Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Thinking Cap Time.....

g-ratter said:
I just noticed you are in Chicopee. You may be familiar with my brother, Shaggy on the KIX radio station.

Oh yes! :wink:
I toggle between Rock102.1 for Classic rock
& Kix97.9 for when I'm feelin a little country!
( small world :shock: )

Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Thinking Cap Time.....

The extinguisher is certainly the smaller " bump in the road" as far as my build goes. ( I have a few ideas. I can deal with that :D )

I have a mis-shipped Nos skiptooth chain that still hasn't gotten here , tracking hasn't been updated in 7 days. The last scan was a post office only 30 minutes away from here. ( emailed my complaint / concern ) :x

I am still waiting for a chainguard that I bought from a fellow rrb'er. ( been a long while , nothing yet )
No name dropping , he said hes been " busy "

My fingers are crossed that this all gets sorted out soon. Its all a ripple effect in mock ups not having all the pieces of the puzzle.

Stay tuned......
Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Thinking Cap Time.....

LukeTheJoker said:
Hope your parts arrive soon Junknutz!


Thanks buddy! :D

It looks like the tracking on the chain has been updated ( Thanks to my emailing
After sitting still in Pittsfield Ma for 8 days , now it shows back in Pennsylvania heading back to Massachusetts . It certainly WAS mis-shipped.
( It went full loop :? )

The awesome chain guard was also shipped mid-last week , should be here soon 8)

This past weekend was a bunch of " behind the scenes mumbo jumbo "
planning , staring ,soldering, etc.
Nothing picture worthy , but progress just the same :wink:
Ordered a few more parts too.

HAPPY JULY everyone ! :shock:

( A smidge more than a month left to go ..... )

Stay tuned.....
Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Thinking Cap Time.....

junknutz1975 said:
g-ratter said:
I just noticed you are in Chicopee. You may be familiar with my brother, Shaggy on the KIX radio station.

Oh yes! :wink:
I toggle between Rock102.1 for Classic rock
& Kix97.9 for when I'm feelin a little country!
( small world :shock: )

KIX 100.9 now :wink: Same 2 stations I like, but WAQY is the best :mrgreen:

G-Ratter, that's cool your brother is on that station! :mrgreen:

Sorry for the sidetrack junknutz, now back to the bike....

I'm sure you can come up with some else cool to hold the batteries! :wink: Can't wait to see more 8)
Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Pleasant surprise 7/2..Day Off Eve.....


Pleasant surprise when I got home from work last night @ 9:30 pm .....

My chain guard that I bought from member: Npence was sittin there ! 8) ( Thanks SO much! )

I love the lines of these Huffy guards!.....

I have Wed and Thurs off from work so hopefully I can get some tinker time .......

Some trimming , tweaking , and bracketry in store for me tomorrow to test fit it.....

(P.S. I have a few pokers in the fire for the battery hidey hole :shock: )
Chain still enroute

More updates soon......

Stay tuned ...
Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Pleasant Surprise 7/2 ..Day Off Eve

Lowlife Lucas said:
Looks awesome so far!

Thanks man! :D

Havin my mornin coffee, and chillin on 8) .

( Too early to make some noise outside just yet . Not for me, neighbors might mind though :wink: )

Tons of work left to do , and 2 days off. I have a busy next few weeks ahead of me ,work / playwise , I hope to stay on track. :shock:

Amazed by everyones progress. Absolutely SICK bikes being built here !

I am so glad to be a part of this !
( my 1st Build Off )

Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Pleasant Surprise 7/2 ..Day Off Eve


Got a serious amount of tinker time outside today .....

It was hot n muggy but I was able to get almost 5 hours work done :shock:

First up was to play with the chain guard ( still more trimming will have to be done. I'm still working out the battery hidey hole )

But I was able to get it trimmed and mounted for now....

It needed a good snip snip..

I drilled a hole in the frame by the bottom bracket, I salvaged a little nylon nut-sert from a Columbia fender ( If you've ever tinkered on a
Columbia you know what I mean )
Those are awesome! If it wasn't for them you would probably not get a fender off in many cases :wink:
They make easy work of screwing in the chainguard. Looks factory , well almost.

Ignore the color too , I plan to preserve the graphics and change the color to complement the grey part of the Columbia fork...


Next up........

you ready for it?

I gotta wire up stuff , right?


I have an electrician buddy that has been in the business for 35 years, so I asked him ( never hurts to ask :wink: )...

Hey Rusty, you got any old " tube and knob "" junk?
he laughed , and returned 20 minutes later with a box o junk!
( right up my alley!)

so I mocked up my next idea.....

( I cut out the nail , hit the bottom with my angle grinder to notch it to match the frame. porcelain and flap wheel angle grinder? YES! )

I figure , why conceal wiring? Why not go all out! Cloth covered wire to boot! 8)

here is a quick mock up what it will look like leading up to the tail light ( it doubles as my rear fender mount too )

( because the battery part isn't ironed out , plus the junk " made in china " :x drill bits , that aspect only is a mock up til I get better drills )

was too hot out to clean up , head out , and get back into the swing of it.

So I moved on to another part that needed to be done ( stay sweaty and keep on truckin! 8) )

Sorry kids, Im old school , just cant get into LED's.
Incandescent all the way!

Testing , testing , 1 2 3

( that's the battery from my Sears Golden Arrow rc car that I've owned since day 1. Still works since the 80's!!!! )

My new lense came in the mail today too! :shock: ( I love it! )

( see the rear " knob " doubling as the fender mount? )

Stay tuned.....

Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Update 7/3 *** 6 volts!

I really like how the bike is shaping up.

My only question is: Are those jackstands checked out for that kind of weight? :mrgreen:
Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Update 7/3 *** 6 volts!

Happy 4th of July everyone! 8)

oldfart36 said:
I really like how the bike is shaping up.

My only question is: Are those jackstands checked out for that kind of weight? :mrgreen:

Thanks Oldfart36 ! :lol:
It is a little heavy, the real saving grace is the alloy black rims from Chuck. They save a ton of weight ( Thankfully , as it is only a single speed )

kingfish254 said:
Diggin the guard and the tailight!

LukeTheJoker said:
:lol: Love that cloth covered wiring! Perfect touch!


Thanks guys!!
I figured it was the only right thing to do :wink:
If I'm embracing the old grungy house paint from years ago, then I might as well go vintage house wiring too :mrgreen:

(Page 7 pics )

Stay tuned......
Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Update 7/3 *** 6 volts!

Love the cloth covered wiring.
Reminds me of a 1956 jag I had with it. As it had 1 50 amp fuse the wiring melted before the fuse went.

You are certainly coming up with plenty of age appropriate parts.
It looks like a bike that has been in the family with each new generation adding to it to suit their needs.

Maybe you could find something else to hold the battery pack.
I seem to remember someone using old miners lamp body (Kingfish). as a kid I remember having a light that slid onto a bracket permanently attached to the bike that could be used as a lantern as well.

Glad you shelved the extinguisher until you had less of a time limit.
From a friend who disposes of chemicals here in Aus the fluid if someone takes it is very expensive to dispose of properly.
However he did run into someone who used it to clean steel before they lasercut it so there may be someone in industry that still uses and disposes of it.
Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Update 7/3 *** 6 volts!

Kroozerdave said:
Love the cloth covered wiring.
Reminds me of a 1956 jag I had with it. As it had 1 50 amp fuse the wiring melted before the fuse went.

You are certainly coming up with plenty of age appropriate parts.
It looks like a bike that has been in the family with each new generation adding to it to suit their needs.

Thanks Dave!

Your Jag sounds like it was cool 8)
I love the look of cloth covered wire, such a neat detail I think ( its gonna double as my pinstripe almost )
The look of generations of tinkerers .....
EXACTLY the premise of my build. I wanted it to look like it was built years ago and I dragged it outta a barn or something, put tires on it and a chain. Voila

( My NOS chain finally came in too, post office royally screwed up delivering it back to the seller , then to me. Took FOREVER to get here, worth the wait though)

Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Update 7/3 *** 6 volts!

Had a busy stretch @ work last week and through the weekend . Two more days of 10a-9p to go (retail :roll: ) .....

I'm off this coming wed and thurs.... Lots of tinker time scheduled :D .....

Many " Breakthrough Tinkerings-on " coming to an awesome forum near you......

more goodies coming in the mail real soon.... ( sometimes I feel like I am single-handedly keeping the post office alive :wink: )

Stay tuned......

Re: GUMBY RUMPUS *****Update 7/3 *** 6 volts!

LukeTheJoker said:
junknutz1975 said:
sometimes I feel like I am single-handedly keeping the post office alive :wink:
I think this website and it's members at this time of year probably do keep them going worldwide!


That's for sure ! :wink: :mrgreen:

PeterBuilt said:
looks good, love the tail light.

Thanks PeterBuilt! 8)


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