Not at all. I just did not see that damn minivan while checking my hubs rolling down the street. Damn car stood right there with the tailgate open. When I looked up it was right in front of me and I ran into it with about 20km/h. Found myself in the back of the car - no hurts at all but the fork was bent bad.
I'm really glad too. Think about a station wagon instead of a minivan - it would have hit the tailgate right into my face. *outch!* Gotta love minivans :-D
Really nice bike, better then the pashley.
But please for your behinds sake, accept this advice:
For the seat to function properly, you need to turn the nut under the front of your seat.
If the bolt moves with it, use a vicegrip to keep it in place.
This will stretch the leather over the seat-frame as it is supposed to do.
Good to see you found an appropriate fork to keep this beauty alive with. I once hit a parked car while checking my driveline. My old iron fork and front wheel were not visibly damaged though. Unfortunately, (and somewhat strangely), my head tube got de-raked and my rear wheel turned into a taco. :?