Have your tastes changed since coming here?

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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I feel you.

I'm still doing my fabricating thing, but I have definitely developed a greater appreciation for those old bikes with natural, well earned patina. I definitely want to play with one or two.
My tastes have changed. I didn't used to like fish, but now I'm starting to enjoy it. Mary cooked some for dinner tonight, and it was pretty tasty. :wink:

I used to be focused on 50's vintage tankers. I still love my classics, but I like the idea of building up rides from disparate parts. Mad Max has been an inspiration. He can take an old Mtn bike, or diamond frame, and turn it into a gem. My next project is going to be a rider for my wife as soon as I score a Spaceliner type frame. I'm trading notes with one of the guys on the CABE to get one. Maybe I'll even enter it in the next build off.

But the best thing to happen from this site is starting the So Cal Rat Rod Ride with Mad Max. What started as an off hand suggestion for a ride has turned into a great group of friends, and acquaintances that are maturing into friendships. The ride itself is growing month by month, and we're having way more fun than we ever anticipated. It has truly been one of the best things I've ever gotten involved with.

I was into restored 40's and 50's ballooners so my first forum was the CABE. I got booted from the CABE and decided I needed to find friendlier people. Landed here and I love it. Never much cared for rusty bikes with parts missing but after being here MY TASTES HAVE CHANGED. 8) I still like my nice ballooners but have come to enjoy all the imaginitive ideas everyone comes up with on RRB.
I was doing everything from 20's -60's, as well as tall bikes and assorted customs before I got to this site or the cabe. However my definition of a rat rod bike used to be either bare metal or flat black, red, and whitewalls. I always saw patina on vintage bikes as just character on an old bike. So this site has definitely at least expanded the category in my head. However during the time I've been on this site my tastes have gone from predominantly 40's-50's tankers to the 20's -30's range somewhat. But I think it is more due to exposure at the local shows and having the opportunity to see these bikes up close and see some of those details that show more in person than in a picture and sometimes get to ride them
I hope it's not bad that my tastes haven't changed since I joined in '08. I still prefer sanding off most of the loose paint and capturing the remainder of the patina with a matte clear coat.

If I'm forced to paint it, primer or matte black is as far as I go. Can't be bothered with a shiny nice paint job. My skills and patience don't match my expectations for shiny paint jobs.
I just Love Bicycles,i think they are the Simplest Machine.Customs,Ratted,Original,Survivor i'm all for it.
One thing i like about this site is the fact that i found individuals with the same passion and interest as mine.
Here i see no Hate only Friendly competitions and Love for the same canvass to show our talents and ideas.
I,ve always said this one,if a Bicycle can make the World Cooperate,Understand one another and have PEACE,
Count me in...Thanks Fellas :D Owen
Cherryboxx said:
I just Love Bicycles,i think they are the Simplest Machine.Customs,Ratted,Original,Survivor i'm all for it.
One thing i like about this site is the fact that i found individuals with the same passion and interest as mine.
Here i see no Hate only Friendly competitions and Love for the same canvass to show our talents and ideas.
I,ve always said this one,if a Bicycle can make the World Cooperate,Understand one another and have PEACE,
Count me in...Thanks Fellas :D Owen

I like that!

Yeah, this is a very diverse site, we have people of all ages, races, and walks of life. We all came here for the same reason, rad rod bikes, but we are each much broader than that. I know that if I need information on BMX, road bikes, fixies, MTBs, etc... I can find it all here and not have to go elsewhere.
yoothgeye said:
Cherryboxx said:
I just Love Bicycles,i think they are the Simplest Machine.Customs,Ratted,Original,Survivor i'm all for it.
One thing i like about this site is the fact that i found individuals with the same passion and interest as mine.
Here i see no Hate only Friendly competitions and Love for the same canvass to show our talents and ideas.
I,ve always said this one,if a Bicycle can make the World Cooperate,Understand one another and have PEACE,
Count me in...Thanks Fellas :D Owen

I like that!

Yeah, this is a very diverse site, we have people of all ages, races, and walks of life. We all came here for the same reason, rad rod bikes, but we are each much broader than that. I know that if I need information on BMX, road bikes, fixies, MTBs, etc... I can find it all here and not have to go elsewhere.

Thanks again Yoothgeye :D Yup! like there's no need to change channels.There is only one RATRODBIKES! One thing i only regret is i wish i can meet you guys and joined the fun rides,maybe help in some builds.My bikes can't swim that far,hahaha :mrgreen:
but we are each much broader than that. I know that if I need information on BMX, road bikes, fixies, MTBs, etc..

you got me thinkin, we need an "non bike help" sticky thread in the "how to" section , theres so much non bike knowledge on here, I doubt too many questions of any type would go unanswered. this place is a well of talented, friendly, helpful folks :mrgreen:
scrumblero said:
but we are each much broader than that. I know that if I need information on BMX, road bikes, fixies, MTBs, etc..

you got me thinkin, we need an "non bike help" sticky thread in the "how to" section , theres so much non bike knowledge on here, I doubt too many questions of any type would go unanswered. this place is a well of talented, friendly, helpful folks :mrgreen:

That would go in "The Other Talk" ask away, I'm sure you'll find help, we just need to coerce more people to check there.
yea, my tastes have changed. I used to buy CHEAP bikes, and want them all to look new,restored. Then it'd get a scratch on it, and I sold it. THEN I met dogdart. darn him....Now I like patina. I like colored tires. I like what he has. Its an addiction,and he is like a bartender is to a drunk. He feeds me ideas, and sells me bikes. Or trades me bikes. LOL. Its all good. WE have become friends,i think. And my style of bike has gotten ,well, neat. And I TRY to sell one for every one I bring home. Thats not working too well. I now like all my seats to sit lower and farther back, cause it LOOKS better. So I cut and weld alot. I love this hobby, and appreciate the comraderie I get from the local Pittsburghers here. Thanks,yall! Great site. Oh, I need about a dozen more RRB stickers.....
Since joining this forum I have learned a lot about bikes from you guys. I went back to my posts and read some from when I first got on here and felt kinda dumb. The thing is that nobody was rude about my questions but offered up only help! That is rare nowadays. Nice to know that some people can still be nice and respectful. Yes, my tastes have changed a little but I still work with what I got. I probably would have never put as much time into building a bike before. Now I take a little more pride in the work. Thanks Ratters! :D
I think the biggest difference for me is the ability to see the potential in old bikes/parts. Before I pretty much fixed up what I could find locally. Basically just cleaning up a stock bike. Then the more I hung out here, the more I saw what other people were doing and started experimenting with my own creations. The builders on this site have been a huge influence on me. Also the "for sale" forum has been a huge asset in getting parts, bikes, etc.

I am also a member of the CABE and Scott has a great site over there for sure....but I really didn't "fit" in with the typical "collector". I am not saying that in a negative way. There are some super guys over there who collect bikes, but aren't into riding, customizing, etc. While I have a couple collector pieces, I am more of a rat rodder and I love to ride my bikes, so this is a better fit for me....but hey, we're all different and that's cool.
In a word, YES.

When I first started hanging out here, I was looking at currently produced bikes, cheap and otherwise. Brands like Electra, Felt and so on. To this day, I still drool over them and wonder how a 'new school' cruiser would ride.

Then as I perused the pages of RRB, I began to remember the bikes of my youth and how much pure and simple fun I had wrenching and painting them up (typically followed by jumping off the largest dirt pile I could find or seeing who could ride a wheelie the longest :mrgreen: )

As my interest in the 'vintage' bikes has grown, I've come to appreciate the craftsmanship and design in these machines. Some simplistic, some ornate and art deco.

As for style, while I LOVE the 'traditional' rusted/primered look of a rat, I still lean toward clean, resto-mod builds. What can I say, while I like looking at them dirty, I like riding them clean. :roll:

Maybe that's the intriguing part of my most recent build, for once, I'm just gonna clean it up, clear coat it and go. Probably....

In any event, I'm so glad I stumbled upon this place and people that inhabit it. Sickness loves company.

Cheers to all,
Dr. T
When I first started lurking on RRB I was amazed by the custom work that everyone did. At that time I was a successful bike flipper, but hadn't done anything really custom at all.
My main ride then was my Dahon Jetstream P8. I was into folders and I have yet to find a bike that is more comfortable and practical for city riding that my Jetstream. It has it's own cool edge too it, but only if you are a geek like me. (It's the farthest one).


Then I started checking out old school bikes while yard saleing and picked a few for my stash. RRBB06 came along and with 30 days left I built BEER RUN from a 79 Typhoon. I was hooked at that point. BEER RUN was no daily rider, but it was a blast. It was the first custom bike I had built since I was a kid. I still used my Jetstream as my main ride.


I think all of us were pretty amazed at YOOTs Sand Rover build using two OCC back ends. Things just fell into place for me to build Fugsley along those lines, but it morphed into something that is really quite different. Fugsley is totally impractical as a rider, but I can't tell you how much fun I have had and how many smiles I have created riding that funky beast around Savannah (Most recently Tuesday night). I learned a lot on that build, but I can't really say that my tastes change because of it.


My taste in bikes did change with this one. Currently I would say my tastes lean towards old school styling with new school tech. It feels so good to have my Nexus 7 hub, but is so cool to change gears with a Sears Spyder muscle bike shifter rather than a grip shift. I love the styling of the Nirves, Electras, and Felts. Who knows what my taste will be like next year, but don't see it drifting too much right now. I am having too much fun on Flexy!

Yep my tastes have changed . I started off and liked stretching stock bikes.
Now I like to weld. I find that perfect piece of 1 1/2'' tubing and somehow see the magic waiting
to be released. Make a few bends and the tubing talks to me. I have noticed as I have gotten older
my bends are less radical. Not sure if its my style is changing or I get tired quicker turning that stupid
boat wheel on my Harbor freight roller bender. A few more years and all my frames will be straight. :shock:
I think that is where diamond frames came from....old weak guys. :lol:

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