Heavyweight build "FATBOB" CHANGES!

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Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

These are the whitewalls, while I admit they are not as wide or over the top as the twenties, they are still very cool... :wink:


Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

Nice tyres,Luke.
Are you trying to put 'm on the existing rims or is there a plan B?
Btw, ever considered to turn these white-walls into checkered-walls? :mrgreen:
This is merely an idea of myself,not being too enthousiastic about these very WHITE walls (any other colour is fine). :lol: :lol:
Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

wimpy said:
Nice tyres,Luke.
Are you trying to put 'm on the existing rims or is there a plan B?
Btw, ever considered to turn these white-walls into checkered-walls? :mrgreen:

The front should go straight on the rim, I have other rims I can cut up and build for the rear, thinking about different centres though, after seeing how much lighter the one on the rear of the muscle bike came out, I may change the build to double sided with some of my wide "standard" hubs, would make it much lighter and I would gain symmetry in the bike. The single sided is cool and is impressive to other builders, but really there is no point, it doesn't look as good and it just adds weight and complexity to an already heavy and complex build.

This is how the rear on the muscle bike looked with a similar size tire before the aero discs were added:

Thinking of building a jig for the monster 20" wheels for the build off bike, if I do I will make it suit down to 16 and smaller sizes too. Been thinking a 3 or 5 spoke version would look better than the 4 spoke style.

I love the idea of chequered wall tires, how were you thinking to do it? Maybe latex paint or vinyl dye, maybe grind through the white till the black is reached? (Don't think I will be doing that grinding thing though, the whitewalls look very thick.)

Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

Well, actually the 4-spoke wheel looks pretty good. Spokes made of square tubing, like the frame. I think it's cool.

'Bout the white-wall, I know there's a special type of white paint with which you can turn a normal tyre into a white-wall. Maybe there's the same stuff in black.

Or fire this question at your local garage.
If you're lucky, he tells you that a regular spraycan will do the trick, without eating your tyres.

Hope to see some fresh pics soon.
Be cool.
Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

I like the idea of turning the white-walls into checkered-walls and also know for a fact (did it my self) that a regular spraycan will do the trick. :wink:
Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

Gdcast said:
I like the idea of turning the white-walls into checkered-walls and also know for a fact (did it my self) that a regular spraycan will do the trick. :wink:
Awesome! That is good news!
I don't suppose you have any photos of the tires you did?

I guess it makes sense, normally you are painting white on to black tires make whitewalls, and it discolours from the black/brown oils coming through, whitewalls are a different kind of rubber, designed not to bleed through...

Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

Let me see if I can find the pics.
Think about this, if you would like to keep those white and accidentally spray black paint over them, it would be almost impossible to make them white again right?... Don´t paint, accidentally stain them, if you are convinced of this, Murphy ´s law will not apply :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don´t over spray, let the first coat to be very sutil, then put more coats on it until desired shade. Use a flat black can.
If possible do a test first, maybe things work different on the other side of the world, like water on the toilet :wink: :lol:
Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

So??? Did it work? or am I responsible for ruining your tires?

I painted the white walls on this one:

and this one...

This were black and after several coats they have been white since December and many miles...

Just realized you´re in Australia, same hemisphere as I am, so water on the toilet runs the same for you and me, that means you´ll have no problem painting those, Yoothgeye I wouldn't try it if I where you... :roll: :lol: :lol:
Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

I have not done them yet, been too busy getting ready to go on holiday, will be doing them when I get back/after the build off.
Did you use any special cleaner or primer on the tires before you sprayed them? :?:

Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

NA, sounds logical... but no 8)
Got them clean with detergent and a kitchen sponge.
Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

MplsCoaster said:
Enjoy your Holiday Luke!
Gdcast said:
Enjoy on your holiday! :wink:
We will do!
I bought a trailer to tow with us, will be building the build-off bike on the way, so I will post up plenty of travelling pics as we go! :wink:

Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

If things go well with the 20's on the BuildOff bike, I am thinking that after the BuildOff and our holiday are over and I save up some cash, I might upgrade FatBob's shoes to this combination...

215/35/17 Front, 245/30/22 Rear...

:mrgreen: Yeah! Very Big and Little's! :wink:

Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

Hey Luke how about an update? Where is this project standing right now?

It's like there isn't even a box for you to think outside of.
Re: Heavyweight scratch build "FATBOB" On hold till after RRBBO8

SkidMark said:
Hey Luke how about an update? Where is this project standing right now?
It's like there isn't even a box for you to think outside of.
Hey, thanks SkidMark!
Unfortunately I dropped the ball a little on this one, got distracted by the muscle bike build off and then had to let my health recover a bit. Now I am distracted by the big BuildOff, building "☆☆☆Ꭼsє LᎾ₡Ꮎ JᎾKᎬЯ!☆☆☆" it has many design features borrowed from FatBob and a lot of the early mistakes I made are fixed at the design level on it, it is probably even more extreme than FatBob in many ways... Here is a link to the build thread: viewtopic.php?f=76&t=72017

After the build off I intend to finish FatBob, I will probably make some changes, to improve the design a little, but it will get done!

Thanks for dropping in and keeping the interest going! :D
