Hey everyone, I'm Jeremiah, and am from southern Ohio. I was just about to give up looking for a site like this when I happened to stumble upon this awesome site. A little about me........I'm 30, married with kids, and love bikes of all kinds. I used to be hardcore into mountain biking, and built a couple of bikes of that persuasion. I fell in love with rat rod/cruiser bikes when my wife and I bought a couple Diamondback Della Cruz 1.0's a few years ago. Hers is still stock, but I have done a few things to mine that I think are pretty sick. I'll post some pics and info in the gallery shortly. Aside from bikes, I am also into vintage motorcycles somewhat (I have a 75' Kawi enduro I have restored), and also have a strength-based youth ministry in which I preform old time strongman feats and give my testimony of deliverance from drugs and alcohol by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I live for Him now, and use the gift of strength he has given me to minister to young people and spread the Gospel. I look forward to meeting everyone, and to fueling this two-wheeled addiction!!