Hello to all, from the Central Valley of California. I have been folowing this site for some time now and I Must say that you have some of the best and most talented people around right here on this site!! Job well done!
I was turned on to this site by a long time friend as I watched him slowly morph his nice cruiser into what I think is one nasty looking Rat Rod Bike. During the transformation of his bike I got hooked!! I went out and purchased a frame and as the old saying goes " the rest is history " Now I must admit it is not a true " Rat Rod " but I did try to mix it up a bit with a Brooks saddle, 24's from my childhood and a headlight I found at the local motorcycle salvage yard with a really cool speedo. Again not a true Rat Rod but for my first bike build in oh...let's say..a really long time it was tons of fun! Best of all I think my six year old son will be needing another bike soon. Maybe this Sunday.....wink, wink.....when his current bike gets left behind the Surburban.....wink, wink. Can you say Little Rat Rodder!! Oh Ya!!!
KOTA, Hooch, Markm and hats off to RatRod!!!! You guy's are great!! Sorry if I left anyone out.
I was turned on to this site by a long time friend as I watched him slowly morph his nice cruiser into what I think is one nasty looking Rat Rod Bike. During the transformation of his bike I got hooked!! I went out and purchased a frame and as the old saying goes " the rest is history " Now I must admit it is not a true " Rat Rod " but I did try to mix it up a bit with a Brooks saddle, 24's from my childhood and a headlight I found at the local motorcycle salvage yard with a really cool speedo. Again not a true Rat Rod but for my first bike build in oh...let's say..a really long time it was tons of fun! Best of all I think my six year old son will be needing another bike soon. Maybe this Sunday.....wink, wink.....when his current bike gets left behind the Surburban.....wink, wink. Can you say Little Rat Rodder!! Oh Ya!!!
KOTA, Hooch, Markm and hats off to RatRod!!!! You guy's are great!! Sorry if I left anyone out.