Hot Fun in the Summertime

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Anything new in your multicolor world?
Hi. yeah I've done a little bit and of course its not exactly how i envisioned it. Always change my mind when I think something will look good and I end up not liking it so much. Was waiting on someone to fix a wheel but I ended up swiping one off another bike I didnt ever ride so yeah now its just a matter of putting it all together. I'm hoping I can actually finish it in time. Posting pics in a bit...
Okay so this bike has been going in a little different direction than originally planned. Kinda looking a bit more funky than beachy but maybe I can tie it all together in the end with some final touches. First thing that I changed was the chainguard. I was going to leave it rusty but there was some purple paint on it in spots and when I tried to remove it it just kinda screwed up the whole look of the whole thing...

I ended up doing the same effect on the fenders as I did on last years build mostly because the fenders are kinda dented and I have no way of fixing that. I tried and made it worse :( Anyway I thought that the paint effect would hide it somewhat..

Ooh la la...:) I was actually going to model these for you all but I didnt want anyone to have a heart attack:p


I am using these handlebars though..Thats one thing that I kept from my original idea.

As you can see I ended up not using the truss rods. I thought they would be more suited to another bike so I put this on instead.

Oh and a new seat I got for $20.

So thats what I have done so far..Just need to put the rest of it together.
I am going to have to start shopping for some lace stockings to model. Well maybe not. You have to worry about people having heart attacks, I would have to worry about people having a technicolor yawn.
Okay, so here is what I have been working on...repainted the rack 3 times cause I couldnt make up my mind. This is a preview of the final version. (Unless I change my mind again :) ) I was thinking that maybe I should have just painted the fenders ivory like the frame and it would make the tires stand out more but frankly at this point I am way too lazy to repaint them. Aint nobody got time for that! So it's not done quite yet...still needs pedals, a chain and stuff to be properly attached.
Hi everyone. I bet you thought I died. Or gave up. Or went into a coma....
None of the above thankfully. So I finished the bike this afternoon. I actually surprised myself and it ended up coming together easily considering I had to pull a back wheel off another bike I wasnt using last minute. I really like this bike. Again..not at all like I first thought it would be but I love the orange! Orange is such a fun happy color!!!
So to refresh your memory again..this is what I started with.

Stuff I'm usung from my parts stash...


I think I need to scrub the grips and my hands...

Making streamers..


These came out pretty cool with the beads that I had leftover from last years build but unfortunately when I was pulling the ziptie through the grips I pulled a little too hard and the beaded strand broke :(
Finished pics...






And here it is all done! :whew:
Been thinking of doing some lacing on a paint job, I think you're pushing me closer to doing so. Fenders look good, whole bike looks great.
Been thinking of doing some lacing on a paint job, I think you're pushing me closer to doing so. Fenders look good, whole bike looks great.
Yeah it's a cool effect. So I just want to add that if you havent done it before...I used lace stockings and you have to pull them pretty tight.I tie mine off at the ends Keep in mind that this will make the design bigger. Whats great about them is that they are stretchy and in this case where I wasnt able to get the fender brackets off of the bike due to rust i could just cut off a piece and stretch them over it. Also dont over spray! I made that mistake last year.
Love the skinny dipping photo!!!
I do too! I thought it fit right in with the name of my build. I wanted to have some fun with it. I dont think the exposure is very good though..I thought they would come out better because I took them in the shade but even though I edited them I am not happy with the way they came out. The color is a bit off.
Great photo composition. Probably one of the best thought out photos in the BO.
Congrats! on finishing and fun and cool ride!
Love the lace painted fenders and color choices.