As long as you have fun doing it, keep playing.
Hi. yeah I've done a little bit and of course its not exactly how i envisioned it. Always change my mind when I think something will look good and I end up not liking it so much. Was waiting on someone to fix a wheel but I ended up swiping one off another bike I didnt ever ride so yeah now its just a matter of putting it all together. I'm hoping I can actually finish it in time. Posting pics in a bit...Anything new in your multicolor world?
I thought that too...or a creamsicleMakes me think of orange sherbet which is perfect for the hot summertime.
Yeah it's a cool effect. So I just want to add that if you havent done it before...I used lace stockings and you have to pull them pretty tight.I tie mine off at the ends Keep in mind that this will make the design bigger. Whats great about them is that they are stretchy and in this case where I wasnt able to get the fender brackets off of the bike due to rust i could just cut off a piece and stretch them over it. Also dont over spray! I made that mistake last year.Been thinking of doing some lacing on a paint job, I think you're pushing me closer to doing so. Fenders look good, whole bike looks great.
Yeah thanks! I just wanted to get some more pictures of it this morning first so I can decide one to post for the final.Don't forget to post in the "finished" forum before 10 pm sunday!
I do too! I thought it fit right in with the name of my build. I wanted to have some fun with it. I dont think the exposure is very good though..I thought they would come out better because I took them in the shade but even though I edited them I am not happy with the way they came out. The color is a bit off.Love the skinny dipping photo!!!