Hot Rod 'Liner, a couple more ride pics

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Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

Hey Deorman,

deorman said:
Not a big fan of tape either. Ritchie makes stiff plastic strips that work on double wall MTB rims, I don't know if they would handle hi-pressure road tires or not.

Thanks for the input.
I have some of that plastic tape in my garage.
I‘m not sure it would be structural enough. Good thought though.

Interestingly enough, I found out that you don’t have to use rim tape either.
The guy at my LBS mentioned an alternative to the tape- Veloplugs.
He was describing them and I had a hard time picturing it.
I decided to try the tape because I have a better feel for it.

Here’s what I found on the web today:

You can see how the Deep Vs are set up a little better than my description too.
I see now that they snap into place. Not sure these would work either.
The upper holes come almost to the edge of the rim.

If I go into instant walk mode again, I’ll know I made the wrong decision. :lol:

Hey Skipton,

Skipton said:
26.3 MPH! Right on!

Thanks Man!
Re: Hot Rod 'Liner, Speed Runs Done


I put on the biggest chainring I can (52T) and the smallest hub gear available (13T).


Today was much cooler (70F), cloudy and only a light wind (5mph NNE)
So I tried my speed runs again.

My 1/2 mile run is rather rough but I doubt I could go faster if I was on a smooth surface.


So I got 26.4mph into the wind and 26.8 with the wind. So 26.6 mph average.


I feel pretty good now on vacation and
I got some good hard rides on my modern single speed coaster so no other excuses.
That's as good as I'm going to get. Not too bad though.
I guess my mid sixties bike is a more of a hot rod than my early sixties body :lol:

I'll reconfigure it back (Big tire on back, smaller chain ring/hub gear combo and the hipster bars)
Hopefully I can stop riding it enough to get some more detailing done. :D
Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

I don't know how I missed this build! I'm digging the minimalist roadie approach, and I love the fact that you're actually making this bike rideable. Keep up the good work! :D

Do you know the manufacturer of that saddle bag? It's exactly what I need for my commuter.
Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

SUPER CLEAN! That's what I like about it. Good luck Bro! I'm still tryin to catch up with ya! 8)
Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

The raw metal machine look really lends itself to the Liner! I'll bet its easier to ride with the normal bars?

Are you using Velocity Chukkers, or a deeper wheel?
Re: Hot Rod 'Liner "It's Fast"

Hey Guys,

Hey D.Rock,

d.rock said:
I don't know how I missed this build! I'm digging the minimalist roadie approach, and I love the fact that you're actually making this bike rideable. Keep up the good work! :D

Do you know the manufacturer of that saddle bag? It's exactly what I need for my commuter.

Thanks for the compliments. Glad you found it.
I just got done riding it and it's tight and rolls smooth even with the hard gears.

The bag is a Cannondale that I got for my road bike (no paint CAAD8)
It's really handy. It wasn't too expensive either.
If I can find online (bought it local), I'll send it.

Hey Pick,

pick said:
SUPER CLEAN! That's what I like about it. Good luck Bro! I'm still tryin to catch up with ya! 8)

Thanks Man! The hand prints are getting visible so I have to clean it. :lol:
You'll catch up soon and your new black chrome looks great.

Hey 2Dawgs,

2dawgs said:
This one sleek racer; pure class!

Thanks! I'm glad you like it sleek. I guess the plan worked.
I like the bigger gear on it and the chain line is not too bad.

So I was feeling cloudy after a somewhat disappointing speed run this morning.
Then it got sunny and beautiful. A picture perfect day! :D

So I took it out with the hard gearing. Not too bad if I don't try to accelerate too fast.
No jumping through intersections :lol:

I was still not going to ride it too far but went down to the community garden. Nice place.


I headed down to the river road and looked for sunny spots.


I thought since it was so nice I should take it up to the bridge over the Mississippi.
It one of my favorite spots for pics and riding.


It looks narrow. Looking down onto the river.


So on my way home from a fairly mellow ride (only passed a few people on hybrids)
I was going up hill and around a ped when I heard a bike coming up behind me
It was an "Older Roadie".
You know the type:
Clip-in shoes/pedals
Several thousand dollar bike
Semi carbon wheels
Grey hair
Team Jersey
Bike pants..Uww
Now I haven't got anything against them. I'm about they're age and they're getting good exercise.

So I had to wait til I passed the ped them I kicked it in.
I pump the handlebars big time and I know roadies gear down up hills.
He got as far as mid bike then I blew him away uphill.
I let up a bit and looked behind and he was about 300 yards behind.
So I took off again and blasted and pumped up another hill.
When it flattened out, I tucked in behind the bars and pushed.
He eventually caught up with me again when I had to stop for cars to cross.

I feel much better now.
It's a fast bike.

Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

Hey D.Rock,

I mixed up the type of seat bag :oops:
It's a Timbuk2, ... -seat-pack
It's held up pretty well and it Velcos off/on.
My camera and keys fit right in.
It seems to hold securely but now that I've said that....

Hey Oxyjansen,

Sorry I missed your post yesterday.

oxyjansen said:
The raw metal machine look really lends itself to the Liner! I'll bet its easier to ride with the normal bars?

Are you using Velocity Chukkers, or a deeper wheel?

Thanks for the comment. It's so great that the 'Liner frame is chrome.
It was kinda the start of having everything else be metallic too.

I could never ride with the big gearing and the hipster bars. :lol:
I'm keeping the gearing the same but swapping in the fat back tire.
So I'll probably finish with the the VeloOrange Porteurs.
I've seen them on a couple of other builds.
They're 19" wide so I can crank on them up hills (or just getting across the street from 0 mph)

I had to go look for "chukkers" :?
They look really nice for a wide tire.
After today, I thought mine were "Deep Vs" but I was told today (LBS mech) that's "Deep V" is a "brand".
Coasties calls them Super Deep Vs and where a Velocity can take a 48mm presta stem (lbs mech again), these need 60mm Presta.
They're rather narrow but so are mtn bike rims these days.
Not sure who makes the rims for sure.
But found out today that you have to get the tube and tire on just right.
Blew the fat back tube so i now have more on order.
I'm pushing the limits of the tire/tube combo for these rims.
If I get it just right, then it will work fine.

Still looks SNAZZY :lol: I really like this bike, the wheels MAKE this build :p

Thanks Bud. The wheels are kinda unique that they give more shiny metal
where normally you wouldn't see it on this type of bike.
They ride good and solid.
Glad to see yours up and running too. Looking good!
I'm going to get a video of mine eventually...

Hey Kingfish254,

kingfish254 said:
Still looks SNAZZY :lol: I really like this bike, the wheels MAKE this build :p

The wheels WITH that frame MAKE this build. Awesome ride!!!!

Thanks for the comments and compliment. I agree the frame/wheel combo matches.
Dumb luck pays off again. :lol:
I've seen some other bikes with a frame and the wide rims matching and I really like that too.

Since I'm waiting for more tubes, I will put another pic from yesterday.
I couldn't get it in the sunshine so no full glare :lol:
The river is so awesome!

Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

I'm really enjoying reading about this build and the tweaking you are doing to get things just right. I laughed when I saw the line "...I know roadies gear down up hills." When I used to do MS150 rides on my single speed Dyno Roadster, I would draft behind roadies until I heard the first "click" of the derailleur then I would pull out and crank past them uphill. Part of it was self-preservation because if I let my cadence drop with a 45 lb bike, I would be dead meat at the top of the hill. I admit, I did keep a mental note of how many titanium and carbon fiber framesets I dispatched. :roll:

BTW, Minneapolis is a beautiful, fun city. I always enjoyed my visits there although I never had the opportunity to tour the city on a bike.
Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

a. That's a pretty tall gear. Something I would have done 30 yrs and 40 lbs ago. :p If it weren't for the extra stays you (edit: I :p :lol: ) just might drop chain trying to launch or climb (around here, anyway :lol: ) How long are your crank arms?
b. Kindly post here. :wink: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=22295&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

Hey Deorman,

deorman said:
a. That's a pretty tall gear. Something I would have done 30 yrs and 40 lbs ago. :p If it weren't for the extra stays you (edit: I :p :lol: ) just might drop chain trying to launch or climb (around here, anyway :lol: ) How long are your crank arms?
b. Kindly post here. :wink: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=22295&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

a) It's slow getting up to speed but once your up there, it's fun
39 years no way, :lol: The 40 pounds aren't a problem. :)
I've got a few months of my forties yet so I'm gonna have my fun :lol:
My knees talked to me about it later.
I started building bikes after knee surgery last year.

I had to watch the chain tension with the skinny tire so I didn't launch
The new setup is going to be a chain challenge 52/13 with the Fat tire
170mm so know I can do the math too
I need to increase my rpm to make it go faster
The thinner tire on the back rolled nicely.
I'm going to try to get the rear tire higher than 60psi and still clear :D

b) Thanks for the link. I'll be there soon.

Hey Beau,

Beau said:
Swing that thing into Penn on Lake St. I want to see this! Very nice!

Thanks! When I get it going soon, I'll stop by.
Good to hear there is some more of us here.
They're more fingerprints in person.
Are you going to the Messaround?
Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

Hey Hewey,

hewey said:
Gorgeous bike - looks fantastic!

Thanks a lot! I like your raw aluminum bike too.

Hey Beau,

Beau said:
MplsCoaster said:
Are you going to the Messaround?

I will be at The Messaround. I have a '56 International truck. Are you into autos too?

The truck sounds cool. I'll have to look you up.
I've been a hot rod fan since I was a little kid.
But I don't have a rat rod or a hot rod.
I used to be a auto mech so I don't really enjoy working on cars much any more.
I really like working on (then riding) bicycles though.
Less money to be creative, more time to have fun.
I have a 2004 GTO so I can enjoy non-self induced torque.

I'm trying to get a group of bikes to show up at the Messaround and potentially park inside.
Skipton showed a cool show in Chicago with both bikes and cars.
Tell me if you know of any other rat rod bikers that might be interested.
So far it's just a neighbor (I just met) with a pre-war hawthorne 8) , my wife (early 70's Hathorne) and me (Liner).
I've got more bikes than riders at this point.

The order for the bigger tubes hit a snafu so I won't see them until Tues. Arggg!
So I took apart things to get shined up.
Until then, here is another picture from above the Mississippi river.
I think the shiny metal in the direct sunlight caused this pic to be blurry.
What a great problem! :lol:

Re: Hot Rod 'Liner

I really like this bike! Kinda wish mine had a chrome frame! (jealous). Are you guys having the 100+ temps we are having here? Kinda makes it hard to get motivated to do anything! :mrgreen:

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