How do YOU find your bikes??

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I just follow udallcustombikes around & pick up the leftovers. Got to get up real early to beat him to the good stuff! :lol: :lol:[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't picked up anything for a while. Either the rest of you guys are getting the deals or there is nothing worth getting.
Pikes Place is supposed to be a local farmer's market but is mostly repackaged cheap import junk. Sanitation is a big issue as well, the market is turn of the century old growth timber beams that for years were left unpainted and uncleaned. And the rough cut timber floors are unsealed.

Again, the southern food culture thrives outside the city. In town, you get in, scarf it down and get out before the junkies have time to break into your car. Take the worst slums of Detroit or Chicago, add a dash of Los Angeles or NYC projects, shake well... that is Memphis proper.
Sounds safer to eat at the market than to eat in Memphis lol.

I just got a phone call from the bike shop's owner, who I just bought my Giant Escape 2 from, and he has some bikes I can buy for cheap :) WAHOO! I told him no mountain bikes, but he had 6-10 he could sell. I just want 1 or 2. He said some of the parts hold a bit of value, but they were going to restore them. He said 20-40 dollars each. I'm going tomorrow.
CranksAndCogs said:
Sounds safer to eat at the market than to eat in Memphis lol.

I just got a phone call from the bike shop's owner, who I just bought my Giant Escape 2 from, and he has some bikes I can buy for cheap :) WAHOO! I told him no mountain bikes, but he had 6-10 he could sell. I just want 1 or 2. He said some of the parts hold a bit of value, but they were going to restore them. He said 20-40 dollars each. I'm going tomorrow.

Sweet man! keep us posted as to what ya find! 8)
Well...I went, I saw, and I left disappointed! The only thing that "may" have been worth buying was a $40 schwinn cruiser that honestly should have been 15 dollars. It was a wal-mart model from what I could guess.

There was a bad ass pugeot (sp?) road bike in my size...but it was 150. Most cool ones were that much. I turned around and found a Surly Cross Check that I wanted if it were under 100 as it was basically just a frame set and hubs. No wasn't labeled right and it wasn't for sale.

I left empty handed. I plan on going to garage sales this weekend.
I find most of mine at yard sales and on CL. Every yard sale ad that pops up in my county gets an email from me asking "Do you have any adult bikes for sale?" and it goes from there.
I think it entirely depends on where you are. Here in CT, finding old bikes is nearly impossible. People do things like sell a 1963 Firebolt girls bike for 400 bucks that's severely rusty and missing wheels and seat. I find that pretty much anyone in these parts is convinced that any bike built before 1999 is worth 300 to 1000.

It's getting ridiculous. My brother in law texted me a few days ago that he found a 1994 Dyno Nitro XLT and asked if I wanted a free bike, naturally I was like "Sure". When I got to his house he showed me the bike, it had no useable tires, an unrideable bent chainwheel, toasted crank bearings, no brake, rust on everything ect. I told him I'd give it a good home and use it for my Comp project ( I planned to porkchop the shiz out of it, pads, red skinwalls ect.). Well as soon as I opened my big mouth now he wants 100 bucks for it... GTFO!! Despite the fact that the frame is nice, it's still a beat up Dyno, not a beat up S&M or GT! This bike ain't worth no 100 bucks, hecks, it's probably not worth 20!

Similarly, I saw a 1959 Columbia being used as a birdbath/lawn ornament a few blocks from my house, it was rusted ultra bad (no paint whatsoever) had no seat, a ruined chain and tireless, bent cast-iron level rusted wheels. I saw the owner (a crazy old coot) throwing the bike in the garbage. I stopped and asked if I could take it, to which he replied "Well I was gonna throw it out, but if you're interested, I'll take 150!"

Seriously people, WTF!!!

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