Awesome post...I'm 24. My Dad collected ballo0n tire Schwinns for many years. I grew up thinking that a bike was strange if it didn't have a tank and a fact I still think that
Awesome post...I'm 24. My Dad collected ballo0n tire Schwinns for many years. I grew up thinking that a bike was strange if it didn't have a tank and a fact I still think that
I'm 18 an currently taking full advantage of it. I ride my bikes every day (to school, to the beach, to peoples' houses, etc...) and always have something new to come up with, or build. I always hear my grandpa say "years go buy fast, enjoy being young"
I surf often and really enjoy talking to people 40 and up because I really enjoy listening to how different times were when they were kids, and most of them are pretty mature.
I try to hang around people a lot older than me, because people in my age are into some crazy stuff, and I'm not into electronics unless its point-to-point soldering tweed covered tube amps.
That's rad; you make that l'il Ross look huge in that pic. How old do you figure you were?
You're 22 and joined in 2006... You were 14 when you joined, that awesome dude..That is awesome! Sounds just like me minus the surfing.. I'm 22 and been messing with bikes since I was prolly 10. I'm always hanging around people older but more 50+. It's nice to see people even younger than me keeping hobbies like this going, there is hope!
25 days away from 50. (yes im counting the days till the black balloons!)