Re: Hubless rear wheel & other stuff
Von Stans said:
does he still have that awsome honda cb750 he build frame up?????? i was eagerly reading his post on the chopperbike forum b4 it went the way of the spam...... cause i love that bike
I should have asked him about that Wednesday night. Didn't think about it at the time.. I was just catching up on what's been going on lately.
We talked for soome time while the Hair-O-Ween Ride was preparing for take-off. I know that he had some more stuff out on the bike (750), but can't seem to find it. I am reasonably sure he still has it, and I seem to remember a moving picture (youtube?).
He had the "Hubless Horseman" out for the ride, and it is not any further along than last time I saw it. He always seeems to have several irons on the fire, and stuff for others being done as well.. It performed flawlessly, and as usual, everybody that saw it was kinda freaked out. I was sitting alongside of him while we were still in the lot, and noticed the rear tire on Stretch (Orangestrong, my bike for the night's activities) is a 24X3 on a Large Marge, and it was dwarfed by the tires on the hubless. They are freakin' HUGE!
I am no real mechanic when it comes to derailleurs, but I watched him reset one in the parking lot while we were waiting to ride on a bike he had modified... poor word.."RECONSTRUCTED" is the proper word... a Stilletto, that the gears always were a little problematic on (another Eric, by the way..), and I was amazed yet again, as in less than a couple of minutes it went from a some speeds, to a seven speed.
There is a thread on the aftermath of the ride in the Freakbike Nation site. Not a lot of pics up yet, but I know there were an awful lot taken. The ride was the largest group ever, and was also the fifth year anniversary ride. Unofficially, the count was 241 bikes. It was UNREAL!
Anyway, I will be seeing Horseman again in November at a show (I think he is going as well) and at a another ride afterward on the same night. I'll try to remember to ask about the 750. Last time we went to this show, I was invited to his residence and given the Grand Tour! He has some really neat toys (some of which are seeen in the BikeRod and Kustom isssue you have tagged in this thread. ) I tried to find the homepage for the issue the hubless bike was in, as there is an interview that shows alot of other Horseman Engineering projects. The Harley is a REAL headturner, and at that time the 750 was not yet a stable resident.
If you can tag a link to that interview, that would be a good thing... It was in my former computer, and I haven't been able to find it in the replacement one yet. (stinkin' viruses!)
More later,
Rat Royale
REC Elsewhere