well I wish you the best of luckoutskirtscustoms said:My birthday is the 17th, I hope to make a score too.
Philphine said:huh?
i meant flea markets and thrift stores. what you think i was talking about?
udallcustombikes said:i turn 33 on the 18th. As far as the scrappers go. I load up my scrap steel and drive in to unload. I pick out the stuff I want and load it up and drive back across the scale. I get paid for my scrap minus the weight of the finds. You just have to have a load to get in the gate.
Happy Birthday Man! August 19,1998 here!Gold Street Customs said:Well I'm turning 46 on the 19th so do I feel old, only when I trim my gray hairs off my goatee, but birthdays anymore, aren't that big of a deal xcept for the kids (and my mom) don't forget her's,my wife just asks that she do'nt have to cook on her birthday...works for me :wink: