Let's see,
Kindergarden: Mrs McNulty AKA "Mrs McNutty" She was a trip and made school fun.
1st grade Mr. Purcell, He was kinda cool as long as you stayed on his good side.
2nd & 3rd kinda a blur
4th grade only ones I remembered were Mrs. Harnish which was the best teacher ever and Mrs Kincaid who was the worst
Middle school was kinda a blur. Remember the teachers but not what grade
Mr. Steve Bunn, Math and SRP, Get him started on talking about boxing and you'd hear about Ali and Foreman till the class was over. :mrgreen:
Mr. Mace, Science, Kinda creepy later found he was arrested for sexual misconduct with a minor. :shock:
Mr. Dan Hogan, principal, Knew him well
Later found out he committed suicide. great guy though.
Mrs. Sten AKA Mrs "Frankensten" Music, The reason I knew Mr Hogan so well she was pure evil.
Mrs. Dwier took over as principal after Mr. Hogan retired. Cronic PMS.
Mr. Roe, Shop, Cool guy but passes out way too easy at the sight of blood. :mrgreen:
Mr. Bisking, AKA "Bisquick", Art, Was cool till I made a water-pipe in class
Wonder how he knew what it was :?
Mrs. Mitselfelt, Home Economics, A real trooper.....She survived my cooking. Great sense of humor.
High school was more of a blur
Mr. Ian Dando AKA can't say here but "Toy". Science / Anatomy / Computer applications. Hilarious to say the least. No way you could keep a straight face in his class.
Mrs. Susan Baker, Math, couldn't make it through a class without laughing, dreaded the end of her class every day
Mr. Wininger, History, had that monotone voice that always put you to sleep and he was polite enough not to wake you unless he was teaching something new and important.
Mrs. Franklin, english, Okay but kinda boring. I never got into english.
Mr. Lingle, Auto Tech, Great teacher. never a dull moment, although I'd often correct him on car facts. (He hated that I knew more about cars than he did)
Mr. Weaver, Auto Body, Great teacher but he would let you make mistakes then tell you how to fix it rather than stop you before you mess it up.