I picked up this "replica" springer fork this week and got it removed from the roadmaster frame it was on.
These are made in China and according to an ebay seller and a California bike shop that sells them, they are replicas from an early Indian motorcycle fork. I haven't been able to an example from Indian that looks exactly like this. I have seen a few early motorcycle springers that are generally similar though.
I have some ideas of how I want to modify and improve this fork, but in the meantime I wanted to post of some pics. I love the looks of this, especially for what is rolling around in my head for it.
These are made in China and according to an ebay seller and a California bike shop that sells them, they are replicas from an early Indian motorcycle fork. I haven't been able to an example from Indian that looks exactly like this. I have seen a few early motorcycle springers that are generally similar though.
I have some ideas of how I want to modify and improve this fork, but in the meantime I wanted to post of some pics. I love the looks of this, especially for what is rolling around in my head for it.