"Iron Annie"

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good to see u still working on the bike. i love the shifter dude that is way way cool. wish i could say i have made the same progress on mine but been busy with other things so on the back burner she goes. i want to take yours for a spin when done i like it a lot
Just ran across your build here. Sorry, My Bad!! :oops: I really like were you are going with this and the frame being soooo loooww!! 8) I love it! No speed bumps for you my friend. Keep up the great work, can't wait to see more! :mrgreen:
well since i noticed someone wondering if id ever finish this in another thread......
last month

i got some chain finally :lol:

maybe next month ill toss a seat and some bars at it :lol:
oh....the only parts that are staying is the chain(im guessing half link will like it)/chainring(thanks again kota!)/wheels/tires/and forks

How did I miss this one?

Looks great, really like the flowing lines on the frame, and nice choice of wheels/tires, gives it a real tough look IMO.

Cant wait to see it done.
KOTA said:
I think I may, I think I must...Point out, that sensor's bike...Is starting to RUST!
just flash rust....no gloves worn yet plus lots of rain and humidity(fwiw i work fast when people toss money my way :p )
some metal prep and a scuff pad will make short work of it before it sees primer&paint...
ohhhh....i forgot to mention why im not running a 1" pitch chain on this one!

is about what my other club member had to say when he saw this :lol:
so no skip~link just a half link
the bike looks great love the wide wheels. oh and dude you wanna see rust look at mine my garage is well lets just say damp this time of year :shock:
got my seat mounted and started tossing bars at it(still not sure if im making some or if ill scrounge what i have around yet....got 3 more pairs to play with) to figure out where i want my hands and see what kind of stem ill need.....


with some tweeking these may work....
aka_locojoe said:
That seat looks great. I also like the bars you have on there. What about the reach though?
what....you think id make a bike that i couldnt ride? :p

dont mind the stem....i was just trying to figure out the exact reach i wanted

dont know if that picture helps but its quite comfortable(its only about 7-8" longer than a schwinn canti frame with 26" wheels)....i did my homework and actually thought about what i wanted before i started with the steel :shock:
once its all solid ill get a riding video up if i can talk the wife into taking one
Not as long as I thought. Hard to judge by the pics. Was just hoping you wouldn't put some sort of beach/cruiser bars on it.