When I first found this 24" J.C. Higgins in a yard sale at an antique mall I knew I had found a bike to build up to honor the kids, the early pioneer that outfitted their bikes with Solo Polo saddles & butterfly handlebars & caused the industry to create the iconic Muscle Bike genre if bicycles. I was lucky enough to find an early tufted Persons SoloPolo saddle shortly after the bike that was perfect to get this Pig Bike project going. My intent was to use all early '60's parts to build it up as I would have if born about a decade earlier. But when I tried the tall apehanger bar it surprised me how much I like it so had to keep them.
I have attached a few photos of it's first ride after finishing the build yesterday & it is a really fun bike!
Thank you to RatRodBikes.com for a great place to have fun sharing these old bikes & all of you that share your knowledge, ideas & creativity!!